Tacoma shot its last match of the year over Labor Day weekend. We actually had summer weather for the whole weekend. Shooting was good. Some shot a whole lot better than others. Rick Graham Shot a possible world record this week end. Rick shot a .1658 Light Varmint Grand Agg. He had the tune and conditions nailed down on Sunday. Allen Tucker was the top dog on Saturday and Mustafa Bilal took top honors on Monday. Rick's good shooting would give him top honors in the 3 gun. We need to give a big thanks to the Staff and target crews that made the matches happen. We also want to give a big thanks to Stan Tombs who has done a great job over the years measuring targets. He will pass the torch on for next year to another. Also need to thank Denny Andrews for cooking the steaks on Sunday and Jeff Lewis for bringing the match together and getting the prizes from our bench rest vendors. Thanks to all for a great season.