Tacoma Results


Here are the results from the Allen Bench Memorial and the LV NW Regionals.
We had a wide variety of conditions this week end. It started mellow on Sat. morn and got breezy and switchy on Sat. afternoon. Sunday's weather was light rain all day and it turned into a trigger pull contest. With the high humidity and cool conditions many words of anguish were heard up and down the firing line.

LV 100

1. Jeff Yost .1965
2. Jeff Lewis .2202
3. Allen Condiff .2230
4. Larry Boers .2246
5. Jeff Wardlow .2398

LV 200

1. Rick Graham .3028
2. Jeff Lewis .3175
3. Jeff Yost .3193
4. Jeff Wardlow .3256
5. Mark Walker .3431

LV Grand

1. Jeff Yost .2597
2. Jeff Lewis .2689
3. Jeff Wardlow .2827
4. Larry Boers .2921
5. Rick Graham .3061

HV 100

1. Jeff Lewis .1950
2. Jeff Yost .1994
3. Larry Boers .2180
4. Don Carter .2274
5. Allen Condiff .2374

HV 200

1. Larry Boers .1505
2. Rick Graham .2111
3. Bob Boldman .2292
4. Don Carter .2346
5. Jeff Yost .2389

HV Grand

1. Larry Boers .1843
2. Jeff Yost .2192
3. Don Carter .2310
4. Bob Boldman .2363
5. Rick Graham .2367

2 Gun

1. Larry Boers .2382
2. Jeff Yost .2385
3. Jeff Lewis .2546
4. Rick Graham .2714
5. Allen Condiff .2779

Good shooting to all~ Larry.
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Way to go Larry!!

Great shooting Larry, sorry I wasn't there...see u at the sniper king
Interesting shoot! Larry shot very well all weekend especially Sunday posting a low .15 agg at 200! Jeff Yost and Jeff Lewis also shot very well in a shoot that threw a little bit of everything at us conditions wise. Way to go guys! And now the fun really starts with rail season in the northwest! Sniper King!

Rick Graham