Super Shoot small group 200 yard HV



I couldn't resist! Small group for the 200 yard HV measuring .161
Shot with Bart's 68bt made on my new jackets! By yours truly!

hey ,,I didnt recognize you with all those whiskers,,,,you still remember how to shoot,,,,thats a dandy,,,200 tomorrow is a good place to pull away from the pack,,,Roger

PS,,,thank YOU,,for keeping us informed about the match results,,,,
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Small Groups

Competitor #141 at the Super Shoot is a good one for shooting small groups with Bart's bullets. Best of luck the rest of the way.
Mark K


  • Small group at Super Shoot.jpg
    Small group at Super Shoot.jpg
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One picture is worth 100,000 words

I couldn't resist! Small group for the 200 yard HV measuring .161
Shot with Bart's 68bt made on my new jackets! By yours truly!


OUTSTANDING,,,,,, and thanks for posting the picture

one hundred thousand words? Talk about inflation...

FYI, a hundred thousand words would equate to a typical novel (e.g. 250+ pages). So, instead of the great novel "Shane" by Jack Schaefer, which was 214 pages as originally published, are you saying he could have just printed one photo? I'll take the book thanks. :confused:

BTW, for any of you fans of the western genre, the novel mentioned is way better than the movie, IMO.
Small group...boat tail bullets...???????????

Now that is a terrific performance Bart...... both in man...and equipment......
Me thinks maybe I`ll try some of those boat tail bullets...???
Bart, you look like...

Ernest Hemingway. Not a bad thing.

Will you be making jackets for .22's? 22 boattails?

Excellent, excellent shooting!
