super group record...or impossible tale



Have an out-of-town friend that is on permanent oxygen. I check in somewhat regularly to see how he is doing. Stories grow and he recently told me a friend of his shot a group with a Ruger .204 at his home range. It measured .204 after 5 shots at 300 yards. I called B.S. as I do silently, for example, to those who shoot quarter size or hole in ragged hole groups with their super 1911 or other at 100 yards. Anyway this one hole in paper target is a whopper tale but the shooter claims witnesses. Friend said he could determine different exit angles from 5 shots. No background paper to support. Man I hate to have a falling out when he is telling stories to feel better but the call was so damaging and fecal laden that I can't handle another. Our pending deals are now a thing of the past but it is just stuff at this age. Anyway is there a better way to call BS or should I let it ride like other stories. I did call BS as his friend and I have never seen gotten along. Old age is not our friend.
And apologies for lack of participation.
Is this really---

a 10 or is this a 2-3 on the bs scale.
I would congratulate him on his friends good fortune and great shooting rifle.
Oh, by the way did he mention who's wind flags he was using?
How he cleans the rifle?
Hand loads or factory rounds?
You know you might want to get a rifle just like his friends.

I have a friend like this.
Boy does he come up with woppers too. Love it. Can't wait for the next amazing story.
Does it really matter, seems pretty evident he does not have a lot of good times left. Why would you want to dispute this claim. Believe what you like, but what is the point of telling him you do not believe his story.
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0.204" or 0.408" edge to edge? The former would be a record at any distance :)

And good advice here. Just amuse him. Contesting the claim will do nothing but drive a wedge between you and he. You know the truth and that's all that matters.

Does it really matter, seems pretty evident he does not have a lot of good times left. Why would you want to dispute this claim. Believe what you like, but what is the point of telling him you do not believe his story.

I have to agree with Dick. So what if it's a BS story. Does it really matter in the long run? I mean it's not like it is going down in the record books. Let him feel good. He's getting old like all of us and if it makes him feel good, hey more power too him, but u know the real truth and just say nice group and let it go at that.
If true, it is a great group....but not a world record. I believe that Mr. Gary Ocock holds that record with a 0,149 / 5-shots @ 300. Good shooting....James Mock
super group or world record impossible tale

Just tell him to turn UP his oxygen'
Maybe he's disoriented .
Wallet groups and the tales that go with them have nothing at all to do with group records, which have to be shot in registered competition that requires both stationary and moving backers, specific chain of custody rules for the target, and submission to a national records committee for measurement. Having said all of that, I agree with the others. This is a matter of what works best socially, no serious shooter would take the claim seriously, but there is not reason to make a big deal of that. Let him enjoy what he has and keep a friend.
Im with Dick on this one. As Hilary likes to say " what difference does it make" Just smile and enjoy your friends company. Lee
Thanks for the comments. Will let "friend" enjoy his delusions and move on with a smile.
Let is pass, no need to risk friendship and hurt feelings.

Also remember the saying "You can't push a rope." no matter what you say it is not going to change your friend's mind, so why frustrate yourself. Keep in mind that all of us only have so many friends and we should work at keeping those we have, if overlooking small details keeps them as friends, overlook the issues with a smile on your face.
0.204" or 0.408" edge to edge? The former would be a record at any distance :)

And good advice here. Just amuse him. Contesting the claim will do nothing but drive a wedge between you and he. You know the truth and that's all that matters.


Group size of 5 shots of Ruger .204 at 300 yards reported to measure .204 with witnesses. I've long questioned this friend of friends honesty and have paid accordingly. He has lost his honor and tarnished his name, the only things one truly has.
Group size of 5 shots of Ruger .204 at 300 yards reported to measure .204 with witnesses. I've long questioned this friend of friends honesty and have paid accordingly. He has lost his honor and tarnished his name, the only things one truly has.

All of that over a group?

This is a Benchrest Forum. Every competitor on here at one time another has shot a phenominol group, even by Benchrest Standards. I know in testing, I have shot 10 shot " zeros" with my Rail Gun at 100, I figured I had 10 great bullets. The best I have ever done in a Regisered Match was a .136.

You should just let it lay. And the next time you are at that 300 range, and he has that 204, just wait and see if he does it again. And if he can't get it under 3 inches, just be a gentleman.
aesome group

a while bak a shooting friend came by and had a target that he wanted to show me !!!!...he had purchased a new 300 ultra mag. hunting rifle,,,,he mounted a scope and proceded to sight it in,,,,he got on the paper then shot a 5 shot group that were literally in the "same hole"....a "zero"...I saw it and mentioned that maby the other four shots missed the paper,,,he immediately became defensive,,,I then replied ,,,"well if it was me, I would oil that rifle up and save it for special hunting trips",,,he did ,,and we are still friends,,,,Roger
PS,,,I posted this on another thread earlier,,,,,old age is getting me also,,hahaha
You hear these stories about small groups all the time. Reminds me of the stories about the long shot across the canyon. The Big fish that got away. The big fish that was caught,that was so big the Lake water level went down. This stuff makes for good Camp Fire talk,while passing the bottle of Crown Royal around.:D

Paul Williams wrote a song titled, "That's what friends are for". A line in that song goes, "friends love your good side and live with your bad".