Suggestions for "old" Eley Tenex Ammo


New member
I have 4 bricks of Eley Tenex Roundnose WN1643 that shoots well in my rifle. It is old and getting white fuzz on the bullet lube. But it still shoots well; I shot a 248 - 16X with it last week in switchy conditions.
I would like some advice on whether to keep shooting it with the white fuzz or to clean and relube the bullets? If so what procedure and product.
I'm hoping someone else has been down this road and I can benefit from their experience.
Any response will be very much appreciated!!
I have 4 bricks of Eley Tenex Roundnose WN1643 that shoots well in my rifle. It is old and getting white fuzz on the bullet lube. But it still shoots well; I shot a 248 - 16X with it last week in switchy conditions.
I would like some advice on whether to keep shooting it with the white fuzz or to clean and relube the bullets? If so what procedure and product.
I'm hoping someone else has been down this road and I can benefit from their experience.
Any response will be very much appreciated!!

Unless it is real bad, still use it. IF you relube it you cannot shoot it in a sanctioned match.
You should check on rimfire central. I asked the same question when I found some older match ammo
with the corrosion on the bullet. I cannot remember the lubricant that I got for it but I put it in a tray
and lowered the tips in it.
Another problem that I had was my regular ammo in cold weather. Found out that you need to keep it
warm to make it shoot. Good site with good information.

Joe McNeill
SW Arkansas