Status of World Wide Accuracy ?


New member
Apparently this has sold and will be reopened under another name. Does anyone know when and what the site name/reference will be? It also appears that all the WWA posts are lost which is too bad as I had a number of them marked for reference. Thanks in advance for any help.

All those folks are speculating on what is happening as they dont know, I dont think anybody knows but the guy who sold and whoever bought.
WWA`s Admin `s last post!

All those folks are speculating on what is happening as they dont know, I dont think anybody knows but the guy who sold and whoever bought.

The admin posted around 10:00 PM EST that WWA would be Shutting down for good at 12:00pm and it was not going to reopen at any future date ! Taking that he shut it down about 2 hours and 20 mins after that post @ 12:00 PM on the dot,I doubt that he sold it to anyone ,several days before he did this he said he would keep it open till April 30. Someone Like Wally may crank another site up ,IMHO WWA is gone!
There is a thread over there now talking as if it sold, but no names. Looks like an invoice too . I figure there will be something back up and running .
2 or 3 days ago I was unable to log in. I emailed the admin. who said they were shutting down with no buyers in sight. They even offered to give it away with no takers.
Just read this over on WWA,

"The site has been tentatively exchanged but not formally. The details are not public nor will they be. I don't know when the new admin will take over or who that will be, it may or may not be the owner, but it will be someone most in this little circle are familiar with and will be public as I've been told. From what I understand some sort of agreement is in the works with Calfee and the only thing holding the new owner from taking over and revamping. There is another person who has expressed interest and could probably get an agreement with Calfee today but refuses to step over the current deal.

The name may change. I don't know. Up to the new owner or owners. But I'm sure the site will be back up in some form in the next 60-90 days."
