Standard Length Rem 700 vs Short Action



What is the weight difference in oz. between a Remington 700 standard length action (.473" bolt face) and a 700 Short Action with the same bolt face?
call or look at brownells''i believe they sell both.

Yup, did that. No joy! They don't list the weight for either, and their Tech Line is having "phone issues." Hopefully, they'll call back. I'm trying Remington next.
What is the weight difference in oz. between a Remington 700 standard length action (.473" bolt face) and a 700 Short Action with the same bolt face?

Well, I just got off the phone with Remington Customer Support, after being recommended to them by their Custom Shop. According to Customer Service, their computer lists the same weight for both actions, 3/4 lb. Now, I don't mean to be judgmental, but in this day and age you'd think a company like Remington would be more in tune with the value of accurate data. Oh, well.
The cat you talked to at remington knows less about their products than you do im sure. They tricked the new guy into answering the phone
The cat you talked to at remington knows less about their products than you do im sure. They tricked the new guy into answering the phone

I like your answer, Dusty. Mine was just a guess. The cat at Remmington was probably looking at something used for shipping weight.
Action Weights

Otteson's book lists the total action weight as 35.2 oz and 38.1 oz for the short and long actions. This includes the magazine/floorplate group (ADL) and the recoil bracket. The difference in the magazine floorplate groups is .7 oz. Hope this helps.
Otteson's book lists the total action weight as 35.2 oz and 38.1 oz for the short and long actions. This includes the magazine/floorplate group (ADL) and the recoil bracket. The difference in the magazine floorplate groups is .7 oz. Hope this helps.

So, the answer to the question is 2.2 oz. Thanks everyone very much.