Source for UBR Targets?


New member
I'm having trouble sourcing targets for UBR. Is there another outlet to purchase these for our club events other than from
Thank you.
Try contacting Rick Fox; he's on here as Greyfox.
Yes, Rick may be able to be of help, or any other match directors. They all come from UBR ultimately, but someone else may have some to help you out too. Danny Hensley is who you really need to talk to in the end
Yes, Rick may be able to be of help, or any other match directors. They all come from UBR ultimately, but someone else may have some to help you out too. Danny Hensley is who you really need to talk to in the end
I do have some targets carried over from last season but am hoping to restock to ensure I don't run short this year. I have tried, unsuccessfully over the last few weeks to reach Danny Hensley via both phone and email. I will keep trying, thank you.
I do have some targets carried over from last season but am hoping to restock to ensure I don't run short this year. I have tried, unsuccessfully over the last few weeks to reach Danny Hensley via both phone and email. I will keep trying, thank you.
Yes, he's not the fastest at responding but IME, he usually does, eventually. Lol! That's where Rick or another match director might be helpful to fill in during any interim.
Yes, he's not the fastest at responding but IME, he usually does, eventually. Lol! That's where Rick or another match director might be helpful to fill in during any interim.
Danny has reached out to me and working on getting targets for me. Thank you again.