Sound Off on GUSTAV:


Paul Fielder

OK Gang,

I'll admit I'm glad he's not coming this way, cuz we could not handle it. Been raining 10 days straight and before that Dolly....we're saturated.

I'm getting worried about my friends off to the NW.

Anyone getting ready??


Anyone getting ready??/QUOTE]

I was expecting a discussion of Gustav firearms.

No getting ready for me. I live on a mountain in Arizona. I don't have much sympathy for people who build homes near coasts barely above sea level. What do they expect?

Anyone getting ready??/QUOTE]

I was expecting a discussion of Gustav firearms.

No getting ready for me. I live on a mountain in Arizona. I don't have much sympathy for people who build homes near coasts barely above sea level. What do they expect?

I'm embarrased...I didn't know there was a Gustav gun!!

I'm sure they will handle things a bit different this time. This bad boy could turn ugly and affect lots of folks a good ways inland too. I'm guessing a strong 4.


Anyone getting ready??/QUOTE]

I was expecting a discussion of Gustav firearms.

No getting ready for me. I live on a mountain in Arizona. I don't have much sympathy for people who build homes near coasts barely above sea level. What do they expect?

Maybe those of us that live along the coast that supply you with the fuel you need to take care of you daily life should just shut the valve and move to the mountains too. :rolleyes: :mad:

...that this could be a killer storm.

Yep, it could hurt many an offshore platform:-(

Not good.


Yep,and people could be killed and lose their homes,jobs and just a bad thing.
We got almost 7 inches of rain here in Reidsville ,NC and did some damage to out gun club,we don't need either Hanna or Gustaf coming up here,Faye did enough.
Yep,and people could be killed and lose their homes,jobs and just a bad thing.
We got almost 7 inches of rain here in Reidsville ,NC and did some damage to out gun club,we don't need either Hanna or Gustaf coming up here,Faye did enough.

Paul, I don't care where he goes as long as it stays away from deep south Georgia. There is no way we could handle another storm this soon. The ground is saturated now and the rivers just crested well above flood stage on Tuesday.

Rhaney, sounds like Fay had a long reach. She came in on us last Friday afternoon and left us Sunday after dropping 22" of rain on us. We had a royal mess here. School was suspended till yesterday(Thursday) cause people were without power and roads were washed out.
Carl Gustav was a Swedish Prince. An anti-tank rifle was named after him:

I think you'll find that a whole arsenal bears his name. Among other firearms, the Swedish 6.5x55 military bolt guns will be branded either Husqvarna or Garl Gustav depending on the factory.
From Houston

It looks like we might be right where this storm is headed.

We have been through countless hurricanes, it is one of the things you have to put up with if you are going to live on the Gulf Coast, work, and supply the rest of the country with needed energy.

It will come, blow some roofs off, topple some trees, and flood some property. We will clean up, and get back to living.........jackie
I don't know...

It looks like we might be right where this storm is headed.

We have been through countless hurricanes, it is one of the things you have to put up with if you are going to live on the Gulf Coast, work, and supply the rest of the country with needed energy.

It will come, blow some roofs off, topple some trees, and flood some property. We will clean up, and get back to living.........jackie

..I haven't been spooked about one in a while. This one has me worried for some reason, plus all the other activity going on. My guts rumblin w/ this one.

What a strange year...maybe I'm just used to the droughts or the name has me riled up??

Gas explosion

First mention of it entering the Gulf, and Gas Stations here in San Antonio, raised their gas prices an average of 15 cents per gallon. That could also happen because it's a weekend and Labor Day Holiday all rolled into one.

First mention of it entering the Gulf, and Gas Stations here in San Antonio, raised their gas prices an average of 15 cents per gallon. That could also happen because it's a weekend and Labor Day Holiday all rolled into one.

No matter where she goes....there will be some messed up rigs.

I do some offshore fishing and am amazed how smart some people are to get these boogers set up. Lots of $$$$ waiting to get sucker punched.

These are from a trip a while back out of Mansfield.



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UP 10c

First mention of it entering the Gulf, and Gas Stations here in San Antonio, raised their gas prices an average of 15 cents per gallon. That could also happen because it's a weekend and Labor Day Holiday all rolled into one.

a gallon up north here. Wasn't Gustov also the name of the Rail Gun used on Sevastopol twin to Anzio Annie
My home is about 8 miles inland of where the predicted eyewall landfall will be. I just received a evac notice phone call as I was typing this. It ain't going to be pretty. I will be staying behind as I'll be working search and rescue with my local sheriff dept.

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Art, keep your head down buddy. Godspeed to you, your family, and your property. A cat3 will cause some serious damage but I know you already know that...........
Yikes Art...

My home is about 8 miles inland of where the predicted eyewall landfall will be. I just received a evac notice phone call as I was typing this. It ain't going to be pretty. I will be staying behind as I'll be working search and rescue with my local sheriff dept.


This is one bad boy...already a 4!!

He's still a ways out so let's hope for the best. Keep me posted on how the evac is wrapping up....when are you expecting to see bands??

I'll keep ya'll posted. The National Guard has been on the road since 8 am Thursday. It looks like everybodys evacing. Even those that shouldn't be, which takes the rooms from those that need them.
Just for once I'd like to see a daytime storm. Just about every storm I've been through has been a nighttime storm, which really sucks.

I'll keep in touch as long as I can.

Edit: The lower southeastern part of Louisiana should start to feel Hurricane force winds at about 9am Monday. The eye should cross at about midnite Mon.-Tues. Whats bad is this storm will skirt the coast, and then move inland.
this is what Rita did. Storm surge could be as high as 18' to 20' above normal high tide.

The wierd thing is that all the models have come together with the storm being that far out.

Here's a link to the models. I have another site put out by F.S.U. but it will not link.

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This thing is possibly going to make Katrina look small.

I'm no hurricane expert, but this baby went from a category 1 to a category 4 in like 24hrs.

Gustav is heading right toward the Loop Current in the gulf which is a small patch of warm deep water that's easy to miss.

You can read all about it here.

I believe this will be one of the worst.

I would get out on this one if I were in its path.