Some more about the new powder

Boyd Allen

Active member
If you find powder that is Accurate 2015, labeled as having been made in Canada, it is the identical physical shape and chemical composition as what may be called something like T32, that is currently in the process of being distributed within the benchrest community in a way that makes it likely to get into competitors' hands.

I have some of the slightly slower version that has been on shelves for about a year, and although I may wait for a sample of its faster brother to arrive before taking it to the range for chronographing and a load work up, I did take the time to satisfy my curiosity about how consistently it may be thrown, using a couple of different powder measures.

As most of you probably know, the whole take a Chargemaster to the range thing probably got started because some shooters are of the opinion that there might be an advantage, with 133, given that it is about the upper limit for particle size and shape that can be reliably thrown to competition standards. Honest weighing tells me that with better than average measure technique, the best that that should probably be claimed is +-.15 gr. (Yes, I have done better, but that was after a lot of work, that I do not find typical.)

Now, to the Canadian 2015 (the first attempt at T, good for 3,300). It is a little over .023 in diameter, and length, less the half the size of 133. After determining that my stand on your head and whistle Dixie 133 technique was not the way to go, with a much simpler method, I began weighing charges. At first there were some outliers that opened my ES up to .15 gr. (+-.075gr.), but as I found my rhythm, it got better. I should mention that weighing was done with a tuned up 10-10 and that I am well aware that it is not as good as the best electronic scales, but I have spent enough time checking results with one to have a feel for what I can believe. In any case, my preliminary results tell me that if this powder shoots as good as it measures, I will be very pleased. I think that when I get a hold of a better scale, that it is highly likely that I will be able to hit +-.05 gr. If you like how this powder performs, you may want to think about leaving that Chargemaster at the house and dust off that old powder measure. For those of us who have delayed picking one up, we may have been saved the expense, and trouble.

Added later:

I did a density comparison between the Canadian 2015 and some 2004 133. They were virtually identical in that respect. I threw five charges into a scale pan of one, and weighed them, and then I did the same with the other, same technique, SAECO measure, same setting. The 133 was .1% lighter, which given what I know about how 133 throws means that they are identical. I would expect more difference between five charges of the same powder, thrown and weighed with the same equipment.

Added 1/27 AM:

Just out of curiosity, I pulled out a few particles of '04 133, chasing them around on the sticky side of some scotch tape, with the tips of my dial calipers to try to get an idea of one's size. It was apparent that the size of the particles vary quite a bit, the largest of the few that I looked at was about .030 in diameter, and approximately .050 long.
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Mike, I think that the XBR is a Hodgdon/IMR designation. This is a completely different powder, from a different part the world, brought out by Western Powders (TAC, X-terminator, etc.) that also owns Accurate Powder.
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misplaced humor on the last commercial attempt at 8208.
i hope this works out........
i'm out of money so i have to sit this one out, i bought 8 jugs of the xbr. the good news is that since it shot well in other rounds i was able to sell off all but one for me.
keep us informed.....
mike in co
I will be very pleased. I think that when I get a hold of a better scale, that it is highly likely that I will be able to hit +-.05 gr.

I know I can average an honest .09gr ES with Real pull-down 8208 lots 18167 / 18118 through my Harrells... Very consistent shaped powder...

Hope to get my hands on this AA 2015 lot.

you may want to think about leaving that Chargemaster at the house and dust off that old powder measure. For those of us who have delayed picking one up, we may have been saved the expense, and trouble.

Bad advise IMO.

Volumetric dispensing powder has not improved, nor would it be even with ball powder.
jerry you are right it has not IMPROVED...BUT with 8208 and any true clone it works very well.
i have published the results several times.
n133 runs plus or minus 0.2 with 3'sand 4's ocassionally...not good at all
imr xbr 8208 ran plus or minus 0.09 much better than n133 by a factor of 2 or more.
and the gold standard of br shooting OEM 8208/thunderbird ran plus or minus .05...
that is with a harrells and my lab mx123......
imrxbr8208 is physically larger than oem 8208 ..aprox 15% larger.
if the new powder has the right speed and density, and is of the correct size..well a powder measure like a harrells WILL work.
mike in co
Bad advise IMO.

Volumetric dispensing powder has not improved, nor would it be even with ball powder.
9/100's of a grain extreme spread dropping powder?

With REAL 8208 / Thunderbird........

Yep, have tested this several times... Typically no worse than 0.12gr... Like Mike, I can get down to several strings of say 10 throws that are as good as .06 .05gr.... But typically 0.10gr to 0.09gr is typical...

.02 or better capable scale/precision balance IS required...

I have a couple jugs of the old 2015 that are labeled in Tenn. from 7/92, would these be comparable to the Canadian lots. I don't do much group shooting more score than anything else. Is it worth saving for the PPC or use it in the varmint rifles?
Where was it manufactured? Look carefully. You might have some that was made in Israel...a very good thing. IMO there are more powders that will do well in a 6PPC than are commonly written about, and the only way to find out if yours is one, is to give it a try. If the speed is such that it comes close to filling the case while producing the desired velocity, and it burns reasonably clean, I predict that it will work well.
I checked all over the label and couldn't find anything that would give a clue as to where it was manufactured.
It has the old green label showing Accurate's address as Tenn. no other info. other than a reference it is best suited for the 223 and 7MM BR. I guess the best option is to load some up and go out and shoot it.
Thanks, Dave
I have a few 1lb. jugs of AA2015 from back in the 90's. Address=Tenn., little square sticker that states: product of Czech Republic.

Keith in NC
I have some-----

I have a few 1lb. jugs of AA2015 from back in the 90's. Address=Tenn., little square sticker that states: product of Czech Republic.

Keith in NC

Of the Chech and some made in China. Cant get it to shoot well. The Israeli stuff does good. Dont ask me why.
Just for comparison, I measured some old Benchmark that I have a scrap of. The particle that I measured was about .030 in diameter and a little over .035 long. (caliper tips) This Canadian stuff is looking smaller and I measure more small stick powders.
8208 like.!

A shop in my neck the woods got in a case of the Canadian made (General Dynamics) AA2015..
Bought a 1lb can just to see.....
Excellent.! The right kernal size length and width, dark coal color and the acetone odor.

At the house I wanted to check this powder against one lot of Dupont IMR8208. Visually the only difference is the Pull down lot of 18167 Dupont IMR8208 is Jet Black kernals to the sheen coal black color of AA2015, otherwise they are identical. Weight, I found that AA2015 for a given volume (used 52.0 clicks) was .38gr lighter in weight compared to the pull down IMR8208.
Performance through the measurer... Just a thing of beauty... I could not tell any difference between the two powders. Dropped like >8208<, smooth and almost no "catches" in the stroke.
Dumped and weighed 20 @ 52.0 clicks and found >
12 throws were ON @ 28.16gr , 2 throws @ 28.20, 4 throws @ 28.21, 1 throw @ 28.12 1 throw @ 28.11
ES of .10gr.... That IS Thunderbird / 8208 Performance.. Excellent.!

Headed to the range on a stormy Saturday (Monsoon that is..! Got a tad wet..!).. Northwest winds 8-15mph
Humidity in the 70-79% range temps 68-75deg.... Ohhhh does that ever feel good in August in Oklahoma..!

7 - 3-shot groups through the Crony from 51.0 clicks to 53.5 clicks. My 62gr 8 ogive bullets, .003 in lands. Bartlein 13.5 , 300 rds on the tube.
51.0 clicks:
3180 / 3188 / 3182 fps grouped a .208 - Mild load but flat and tight.
51.5 clicks:
3202 / 3198 / 3210 fps grouped a .244
52.0 clicks:
3218 / 3217 / 3221 fps grouped a .190 - Still mild but the group is rounder, tight.
52.5 clicks:
3229 / 3222 / 3230 fps grouped a .255
53.0 clicks:
3235 / 3235 / 3241 fps grouped a .201 - 205M primer showing little pressure but still mild. 35% up the case neck.
53.5 clicks:
3251 / 3247 / 3248 fps grouped a .237 - missed a let-up on 3rd shot, had a DOT on first two shots.
53.5 clicks again :
3250 / 3257 / 3252 fps grouped a .092 - There we GO..! Pressure is VERY managable. Load is 28.80gr

Liked 53 clicks (28.5gr)... So left the measure there and tried a couple recored 5 shot groups with sighters below...
Picture below: Just missed a pick-up on the bottom group and a let-up on the top.... Had NICE dots otherwise. Tune looks real smooth and steady... Many tests and matches to go.

P8080174.jpg8-2012 AA2015.jpg2015_8208_A.jpg2015_8208_B.jpgP8080173.jpg

End results look REAL good, BIG Thank You to Lou and those at Western Powders.. Long time coming.

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