Social Security.........this really pisses me off!!

jackie schmidt

New member
I had to go over to the Social Security Office this morning to modify some things concerning my Medicare.

Ok. There are about 100 people in there waiting to talk to a administrator about something.

I think I was the only person on there who was actually old enough to "draw Social Security".

What the heck is going on?
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I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure you know in your heart what the answer is, lazy people know how to get free stuff with out working.
In front of the Salvation Army in our small island town the bums have smokes and talk on cell phones.
I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure you know in your heart what the answer is, lazy people know how to get free stuff with out working.

I'm trying not to sound too politically incorrect, but I swear to God, out of all the people in this room, I'm the only "old guy".
Cost Of Living Increase.

If you don't know by now, The Increase in Medicare, took care of any increase in Social Security.
I had to go over to the Social Security Office this morning to modify some things concerning my Medicare.

Ok. There are about 100 people in there waiting to talk to a administrator about something.

I think I was the only person on there who was actually old enough to "draw Social Security".

What the heck is going on?

Maybe some of them wanted to inquire about SSI or disability?
If you don't know by now, The Increase in Medicare, took care of any increase in Social Security.

The reason I am here is to drop Plan B.

Back when I turned 65, they told me I should sign up for Plan B, even though I have great Health Insurance through my shop. The big kicker is because of my income bracket, I have to shell out an EXTRA $1200 a quarter. That's another $4800 a year on top of the regular monthly payment.

My insurance carrier has told me I am just throwing money away, as all I need is Plan A, (just to satisfy the government requirements), since I am not "retired" and have insurance.
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This is an entitlement society. Once an entitlement is given, it will never be reversed. There is so much more to Social Security than just retirement.
Jacki, all I can say is for the last 10-12 years I have seen people that I know or are acquainted with lie their a$$ off to their doctors, so they can get SSDI! I just saw one of them Christmas eve and she is as healthy and mobile as anyone could be and she gets $1300.00 a month for disability! Now here’s the kicker, that disability is due to so much drug abuse when she was younger that she is not capable to work. The other one I know was with a buddy working on cutting down a tree, and drinking beer, fell out of the tree and ruptured a couple of disc’s in his back, he claims he can’t work anymore, gets $1500.00 a month disability and works on the side helping install heating and ACC systems. The system is totally out of control, and there is not enough enforcement going on, couple that with Doctors that help game the system, and we have a perfect storm that is breaking the SSDI system!
Same problem here in the past I could call and make an appointment and get right into seeing a clerk in the back. Last time I had to go I called to make an appointment and was informed they no longer make any. Thought I would get up and get there thirty minutes before it opened to beat the crowd. The line at door was an easy one hundred yards long mostly all young who appeared to be homeless, possibly without a job or just living poor. Needless to say it turned out to be well over a two hour ordeal with very few elderly there so it made me wonder what the heck the deal was as well. Buy the time I finally made it in the door, checked in and pulled my number out of the machine there was no where to sit. To top it off there are about ten help windows but not enough clerks on hand to sit behind each one of them. Thankfully I finaly made it to a clerk before they closed for lunch not knowing what might have happened then?
Years ago now

I worked in Town Government and was Town Clerk and Registrar of Voters, among other things. During an election I was supervising, I got talking with one of the ballot clerks. She had moved there from Massachusetts. She had been a Social Worker in Massachusetts. She told me her department had been given a group of Russian Immigrants to figure out how to get some income for. They went through the usual options and the State did not want to put them on welfare. One of the Social Workers suggested making up circumstances in their history that would qualify them for SSDI!

So,someone suggested since they came from Russia they were all brutalized to the point of having PTSD. They ran one of the immigrants through SS and sure enough, they qualified. All the others were also qualified, out of hand and all got SSDI. If anyone doesn't know the monthly for SSDI, check it out. Of course all the other stuff comes along with that.

Not one of them ever paid a dime in but they are all collecting. SO, it's an entitlement to we who paid from the first pay check we drew. Not only did we pay but our employers paid as well and now it's an entitlement to us. Not those who have never paid a dime but US! I'm glad I'm old.

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i know no politics, but it is all politics.
ss started out well, then politicians got involved.
both parties, one more than the other, buy votes
by adding groups to eligible ss benefits.
people that never paid in.
ruined the system
if only WORKERS that paid into the system were
getting benefits, it would not be broke.
The Social Security ( the Federal Old Age, Survivors and Disability program) trust fund currently has a 2.5 trillion dollar reserve. It is owed upwards of 3.5 trillion dollars that was "borrowed" by the government. Most recently to fund the Iraq/Afghanistan war. Barring any future borrowing the fund has been increasing since 2014 and is expected to continue increasing at least through 2022 according to the fund administrators.

It is not going broke because they are paying out benefits, although it would be nice if they were to be more attentive to the fraud that is certainly occuring.

Anyway, that's what a google search revealed.

Ps. The administrative costs to administer this system is .7%. I am most certain that the continued push to privitaize the system would result in much greater costs to the system.
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Waited in line and seated for 3 hours, and my shock was how few people in line and waiting there spoke English

My shock waiting in line and in the waiting area for 3 hours for govt. attention was that I noticed how few waiting with me actually spoke English.
Well, I'm not old enough to draw SS yet, but the last time I was in the SS office it was to affirm my daughter's SSN since someone apparently used it to create a fraudulent account when she was six. At least a couple others that were there were also dealing with fraudulent use of their SSN's.

I have read many stories about how many deadbeats are getting on social security disability. This is hearsay, mind you, but I'm told that state employment counselors in Vermont and other states help able bodied people get on disability because their age and lack of skills mean they will likely not find another job. I also have it on good authority that many attorneys nationwide make a good living helping able bodied persons get on disability.

I am 3 1/2 years from turning seventy and drawing maximum social security. When I'm 70 1/2 I will have to start drawing the minimum on my 401K, which is fairly substantial. I will also be able then to start drawing my pension from my employer while still working there. Maybe, at that point, I will reduce my work week to 3 or 4 days per week. I have to work at least 24 hours per week to draw full insurance benefits. Why would I do this? Because I don't trust that social security, my pension, my 401k and my Medicare will be there when I need them. I want to accumulate as much cash as possible so I don't have to eat cat food some day.

Am I paranoid? You betcha. In today's political climate we have to rely on our own resources as much as possible. Fortunately, I don't have a bucket list, I don't much care for travel, most of my friends are at work, and I don't hate my job. A big night out for my wife and I is a burger at Chili's. Maybe, I'll make it to the end without having to sleep under a bridge.

I'm trying not to sound too politically incorrect, but I swear to God, out of all the people in this room, I'm the only "old guy".

Same way up north.......... Sad and Bad.
and I `ve heard this from other people our age........ for some reason...unknown to me....the urge to get out and go to work,earn some money to buy a car,house,gun has gone.... and there are certain races predominant......
bill larson
Was there an armed guard protecting someone, workers maybe??

Last time I was there the guard supplied, would have lasted maybe 10 seconds during any altercation.