SoCal Western Regional Results

What a great time I had with wonderful folks. Meeting new shooters here for the first time and seeing folks who have competed here in the past regionals will be a unforgettable weekend for myself. The weather was nice all weekend, in the mid 80's.

Competitors had a great day of practice on Friday getting familiar with the conditions.

Saturday morning started with LV with calm conditions for the first and second relays, but it didn't last long going into the second and third cards. The wind picked up, but the big equalizer being, who could handle the very fast switches. Steve Ware from Oregon won the first card with a 247-9x, The second card was won by Jim Cyran from Sacremento with a 244-3x. The third card was won by Chip Smith from Southern Cal. with a 244-4x. There was no stopping Jim Cyran who shot consistent for all 3 cards. Jim won with a 737-14x.

Saturday after lunch, the shooters were back to the benches for USA Open and what a great match between Jim Cyran and Tim McMurray. Jim had a 3 point lead over Tim going into the last card. Tim put the hammer down shooting an awesome 249-13x in those erratic conditions to take the win in USA Open. Tim had a 733-21x for three cards.

Sunday morning was the start of HV with calm conditions with Matt Lababedy shooting the first 250 here at Open Grove in HV. Matt wasn't done, he continued to stay the course with consistent shooting and took the HV class win with a 738-32x. Vipha Miller finishing 2nd with a 733-18x.

We broke for lunch, and after lunch we had the $1.00 raffle with some nice goodies. After the raffle we had our first Junior (2) card match and it was a good one. Linzie and Tim ran the match. They were all excited to get the chance to have their own match. There were 7 Juniors, 4 girls and 3 boys ages from 8-15 years old. They all shot HV rifles. Sierra Tremel came out on top for the first card winning it by one point over Abdul Lababedy. Sierra's high card was a 238-4x. The second card was won by Abdul with a 235-3x. Abdul shoot consistent for the 2 cards and took top honors with a 472-6x. Each Junior was given gifts for there participation and medals were given to the top 4 and high cards.

After all scores were tallied we gave out the $5.00 raffle prizes with Christoper Todd, and Tom Anderson winning the big prizes, a Maurader and FX rifles. Vipha Miller was the overall 3 class agg winner.

A special Thank You is given to Ted Bauer of Western Military Supplies for his generous donation of awesome prizes for the raffles.

I would like to also Thank Tim McMurray, Linzie Boise, Christopher Todd for their generous contributions to the prizes list.

Thank you Tom Anderson for all the wonderful plaques you made up for the top winners in each class and individual plaques for the competitors.

Thank you Dale Herrick, Lou Fontana, Glen Robinson, and Christoper Todd for your help with targets and scoring.

Thanks to Scooter's Barbecue with an awesome lunch for both days.

Thank you Accurate Shooter for the videos and photos taken on Sunday.

Thank you Pyramyd Air for your contribution.

Medals were given to the top 4 in each class along with plaques for the top 3 in LV, USA Open and HV. Medals were given for high cards and overall 3 class aggregate.

Congratulations Vipha Miller for your stellar performance all weekend, to take top honors.

Congratulations to Matt for his 250, and Abdul his son for winning the Junior match. Like Father like Son.

LV Results:

1) Jim Cyran, 246-8x, 244-3x, 242-3x, = 732-14x (EV-2) .177

2) Vipha Miller, 247-7x, 242-6x, 241-6x, = 730-19x ( Styer) .177

3) Mike Niksch, 244-11x, 243-6x, 241-4x, = 728-21x (Thomas) .177

4) Steve Ware, 247-9x, 237-6x, 240-3x, = 724-18x (EV-2) .177

5) Matt Lababedy, 246-10x, 239-6x, 238-5x, 723-21x (Dawson) .177

6) Chip Smith, 238-4x, 240-5x, 244-4x, = 722-13x (Thomas) .177

7) Ron Silvera, 244-7x, 239-2x, 235-3x, = 718-12x (EV-2) .177

8) Doug Miller, 237-8x, 243-8x, 233-4x, = 713-20x ( Steyr) .177

9) Jim Herrick, 239-2x, 234-3x, 237-3x, = 710-8x (Custom) .177

10) Tim McMurray, 242-7x, 238-7x, 227-1x, = 707-15x (USFT) .177

11) Bill Tremel, 239-6x, 240-6x, 226-1x, = 705-13x

12) Larry Durham, 235-4x, 232-2x, 238-4x, = 705-10x

13) James Brinkley, 232-5x, 232, 233-2x, = 697-7x

14) Linzie Boise, 238-5x, 230-6x, 228, = 696-11x

15) Vince Pacheco, 224-3x, 235-6x, 229-2x, = 688-11x

16) Matt Kellerman, 236-4x, 231-4x, 213-3x, = 680-11x

USA Open Results:

1) Tim McMurray, 242-3x, 242-5x, 249-13x, = 733-21x (USFT) .22

2) Jim Cyran, 244-8x, 243-14x, 242-10x, = 729-32x (USFT) .22

3) Doug Miller, 243-9x, 237-3x, 244-7x, = 724-19x (Steyr) .177

4) Vipha Miller, 244-6x, 239-5x, 241-4x, = 724-15x ( Steyr) .177

5) Matt Kellerman, 245-10x, 239-8x, 236-8x, = 720-26x (USFT) .22

6) Bill Trmel, 243-8x, 238-4x, 238-5x, = 719-17x (USFT) .22

7) Larry Durham, 238-6x, 233-5x, 244-7x, = 715-18x (USFT) .22

8) Matt Lababedy, 237-5x, 242-8x, 235-2x, = 714-15x ( TM 1000) .177

9) Mike Niksch, 241-6x, 234-6x, 238-3x, = 713-15x (Thomas) .177

10) Linzie Boise, 236-2x, 239-4x, 237-4x, = 712-10x (USFT) .22

11) Stu Harvey, 240-4x, 237-7x, 231-9x, = 708-20x

12) Steve Ware, 239-4x, 232-3x, 234-6x, = 705-13x

13) Vince Pacheco, 236-5x, 230-5x, 238-3x, = 704-13x

14) Jim Herrick, 227-6x, 234-3x, 236-2x, = 697-14x

15) Ron Silvera, 221-4x, 242-5x, 233-5x, = 696-14x

16) Chip Smith, 226-5x, 229-3x, 238-6x, = 693-14x

17) James Brinkley, 232-3x, 233-7x, 226-4x, = 691-14x

18) Christopher Todd, 234-4x, 231-2x, 223-1x = 688-7x

19) Dennis Kunkle, 221-2x, 200-5x, 237-4x, = 658- 11x

20) Tom Anderson 215, 208, 195-1x, = 618-1x

HV Results:

1) Matt Lababedy, 250-13x, 245-10x, 243-8x, = 738-32x (TM 1000) .177

2) Vipha Miller, 247-5x, 241-9x, 245-4x, = 733-18x (P70) .177

3) Matt Kellerman, 248-12x, 244-7x, 240 10x, = 732-29x (USFT) .22

4) Ron Silvera, 245-5x, 244-4x, 243-7x, = 732-16x (TM 1000) .177

5) Doug Miller, 244-8x, 245-10x, 242-8x, = 731-26x (P70) .177

6) Jim Herrick, 245-7x, 237-7x, 246-8x, = 728-22x (Custom) .177

7) Jim Cyran, 245-8x, 238-8x, 240-3x, 723-19x (EV-2) .177

8) Mike Niksch, 235-3x, 245-8x, 243-4x, = 723-15x (Thomas) .177

9) Stu Harvey, 245-6x, 238-7x, 238-7x, = 721-20x (Rapid) .177

10) Larry Durham, 246-5x, 243-5x, 230-2x, = 719-12x (USFT) .177

11) Bill Trmel, 235-7x, 241-4x, 240-7x, = 716-18x

12) Steve Ware, 243-6x, 238-3x, 234-3x, = 715-12x

13) Chip Smith, 238-5x, 235-4x, 2405x, = 713-14x

14) Dennis Kunkle, 241-6x, 236-5x, 235-3x, = 712-14x

15) Tim McMurray, 240-3x, 234-4x, 237-6x, 711-13x

16) Vince Pacheco, 238-4x, 239-4x, 226-1x, = 703-9x

17) Linzie Boise, 236-7x, 232-6x, 232-4x, = 700-17x

18) James Brinkley, 236-3x, 230-3x, 234-3x, = 700-9x

19) Tom Anderson, 211-4x, 220-2x, 213-1x, = 644-7x

20) Christopher Todd, 218-3x, 221-2x, 205-2x, = 644-6x

Junior Results:

1) Abdul Lababedy, 237-3x, 235-3x, = 472-6x

2) Sierra Tremel, 238-4x, 227-6x, = 465-10x

3) Natasha Brinkley, 225-2x, 227-2x, = 452-4x,

4) Nicky Brinkley, 218-2x, 215, = 433-2x

5) Alex Brinkley, 193, 205-1x = 398-1x

6) Anabel Brinkley, 205-1x, 185, = 390-1x

7) Summer Tremel, 189, 190-1x, = 379-1x

To all competitors that attended the Regional, I want to apologize for a math error on the overall agg. winner, I had Jim Cyran winning the overall, it was Vipha Miller who won the overall. I am truly sorry.

Thank you to all the competitors for your support and patience for the best Regional yet here at Open Grove.

Hope to see you all for next year, till then, wishing you all the best.

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I had a great time, thanks to Joe for putting on such a great event. And congrats to all the winners who really shined from the hard work they put in. What a great bunch of shooters and new friends.

What a great match! Very professionally run & the food was great. Seeing old friends & meeting new ones was icing on the cake! Fond memories indeed.

Thanks for everything Team Open Grove. You really pulled it together.

Steve & Ron (Team Oregon)
You folks sure did great, and congratulations to all the winners both young and old. From the sounds of Joe's report there couldn't have been a better place to be over this past weekend, and as I've said so many times before, I only wish there weren't the 3000+ miles from here to there or I too would have been a part of the results list. Maybe someday!

Good shooting to all.

Dave Shattuck
Math Correction


Not to be picky, but there was a math error which is meaningless as the listing was correct. Matt Kellerman's total under the HV Class should have been 732-29x, not 730-29x. You had him in the right finishing spot, just a posting error when doing the report I'm sure.

Thanks Joe!

What an incredible match. Challenging conditions, fierce competitors, wonderful facility, comfortable temperatures, great sportsmanship, the food :D, a well run match and of course our gracious host Joe. It is really hard to think of a thing you would want different about the match (except perhaps your own performance). It was great seeing a lot of old friends and meeting some new friends as well.

The conditions during Friday's practice were the most difficult conditions I have seen while shooting airgun benchrest. I was completely baffled by the moderate but switching winds. I don't know how many shots I fired for no other purpose than to allow me to match some kind of flag condition with where the pellet landed. By the end of the day, I concluded I had wasted a lot of pellets. As I told several friends all I learned during the practice session was to lower my expectations. The only consolation was that everyone else was in the same boat.

Thank goodness Saturday and Sunday brought the normal challenging Open Grove conditions. I'd like to acknowledge ViphaM for a performance that showed her national championship was well earned. Vipha shot and outstanding 245 on her last card of the HV match, in some of the most difficult conditions of the day, to overtake me for the overall combined championship. I don't know of a tougher competitor in the benchrest game than her. Also congratulations to MattL for the first HV 250 score shot at Open Grove. Matt seized a small window of conditions to shoot the outstanding score. I was on the bench next to him and he finished that card in less than 10 minutes. Great Shooting!

Now the only problem we have is we have to wait 12 months for the next SoCal regional.

Jim in Sacramento
I had a great time! I cant wait til the next round. It was great to meet all the new people and revisit with some I met at the Nationals. have a great facility and you guys put on a great match. I'm bummed that it will be a full year til next time.:D

I'm certain that the conditions were the most challenging I have ever encountered, (times 5) and probably will be until I come out again. It was a great learning experience.

Thanks a bunch for putting on such a great event!

Scores were quite similar across all classes.... what do you think accounts for that? Or at 25m do the open guns really not have much of an advantage?
Open class was shot in the afternoon......which had much tougher conditions. I shot a LV gun in Open and was using a 6-7 ring hold off. I'm told that most of the Open class guns were 8 1/2 to 9 ring hold offs during the same cards. Getting caught in a switch with your pants down renders far less punishment with the more powerful guns.

Afternoon was a different beast than morning......that's for sure.

You're Welcome!

Here are some photos from the weekend. More to come in a link later.


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Thanks for the photos.

LD and Tim are looking as good as always, plus it's nice to see Matt and Doug (both of whom I shot with at the N.E. Regionals) and Vipha. Other than for Matt and Doug, I haven't seen the others since the Worlds back in 2011.

Again, good shooting by all.

Dave Shattuck
Link to more photos (retry)

This was a really cool regional for a noob airgun benchrest spectator.

Some tough conditions combined with tough competitors made for a really good shoot. Awesome air rifles, the new and innovative mixed with traditional made for an interesting couple of days. A treat was the young shooters match - tough competitive kids.

Thank you Joe and to all those that generously contributed to the raffle - we saw some big smiles!

Congratulations to all class winners and the overall agg leader. You guys and lady deserve it.

Thanks again Joe. You make a great sport even better and you make all those that compete feel like winners - you can't beat that!

Link to more photos.

(yearning to be a pro BB shooter :cool:)
Great Pictures!

Shooting at Open Grove is High on My Bucket List!!!

Great pictures loved seeing everyone! Especially all the JR's.


Thanks for the pics and link to your photos.


Hopefully soon some of you can make the trip here, it sure would be nice meeting and having some of you here shooting with us.

Is anyone missing a timer, it's an acurite, black body silver face, please let me know.
