Smoking or Not


Ronnie Cheek
I have read all the posts on 'Smoking at the Range', and smoking or not smoking does not concern me. What does concern me is the complete disregard for annual physicals by most of the populace. I have lost many friends who smoked or didn't smoke simply because they never chose to get the physicals along with chest xrays and a blood test. All of you might do yourselves a world of good if you took this as seriously as you do smoking areas and which way the wind is blowing. Chest xrays are not noxious and a blood test is not going to make you want to quit competing in bench rest, but they might give you more years to enjoy your family and friends. The xrays and blood test require less time than it takes to smoke four cigarettes. So, if you are one of those folks who don't get the physicals, GET IT DONE NOW. I hope you have read this and that you do pay attention to what I have told you. - Ronnie
I've had Three......

2 showed polyps and the 3rd was to figure out why the guts hurt all the time......(this started the day the second one was done, and has continued for over 3 years)
It was inconclusive. Then the insurance company dropped me.
Guts still hurt:( Doctors just shrug their shoulders.

2 showed polyps and the 3rd was to figure out why the guts hurt all the time......(this started the day the second one was done, and has continued for over 3 years)
It was inconclusive. Then the insurance company dropped me.
Guts still hurt:( Doctors just shrug their shoulders.

just stop smoking. The Panda I bought from you 5 years ago was wrapped in a nice southwest motif cloth wrap. It wreaked of cigarette smoke. Just quit buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I smoked the first cig of each day caused my gut to cramp. Good point Ronnie. Its been 8 years since my heart surgery. I didn't have a heart attack. My only sympton was shortness of breath when exercising. Had treadmill test on a thurs., artereogram on fri. 5 bypasses on sat. Doc said whole left side of heart was blocked 80-90%. Never had any angina pain at all. I was a walking time bomb. Don't forget the prostate exam too, guys only here.

When I smoked the first cig of each day caused my gut to cramp. Good point Ronnie. Its been 8 years since my heart surgery. I didn't have a heart attack. My only sympton was shortness of breath when exercising. Had treadmill test on a thurs., artereogram on fri. 5 bypasses on sat. Doc said whole left side of heart was blocked 80-90%. Never had any angina pain at all. I was a walking time bomb. Don't forget the prostate exam too, guys only here.


Yes,have a complete phys.i mean everything,i did it all in the last 3 months,colon check,heart/treadmill,blood,found nothing. but i feel good that i had it done and found nothing.