Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters Match 9 1,000 Yard Results


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Well Match 9 is in the books and it was a hot one.It hit 104 degrees today and it was a survival of reading the mirage.

Lightgun Single Tgt Group

1st Place Walley Larsen 3.855
2nd Place Lynn Dragoman 5.000
3rd Place Bruce Duncan 5.149

Lightgun 3 Tgt Agg

1st Place Lynn Dragoman 6.408
2nd Place Walley Larsen 7.910
3rd Place Bill Hubina 7.933

Lightgun Single Tgt Score

1st Place Lynn Dragoman 49-1X
2nd Place Lynn Dragoman 48-1X
3rd Place Stu Harvey 48-1X

Lightgun 3 Tgt Score

1st Place Lynn Dragoman 144-3X
2nd Place Gary Gagliano 137-0X
3rd Place Jerry Tierney 135-0X

Heavygun Single Tgt Group

1st Place Ken Schroeder 6.300
2nd Place Louie Tamagni 7.495
3rd Place Steve Jones 8.035

Heavygun 3 Tgt Group

1st Place Dangerous Bob Dorton 9.632
2nd Place Ken Schroeder 9.996
3rd Place Jerry Tierney 10.774

Heavygun Single Tgt Score

1st Place Louie Tamagni 97-5X
2nd Place Louie Tamagni 93-0X
3rd Place Ken Schroeder 92-0X

Heavygun 3 Tgt Score

1st Place Ken Schroeder 267-0X
2nd Place Louie Tamagni 260-5X
3rd Place Jerry Tierney 259-1X

6 Tgt Group Agg

1st Place Ken Schroeder 9.347
2nd Place Jerry Tierney 10.282
3rd Place Steve Jones 10.484

6 Tgt Score Agg

1st Place Ken Schroeder 398-1X
2nd Place Jerry Tierney 394-1X
3rd Place Louie Tamagni 393-5X

Congratulations to all the winners!

Edited to correct spelling
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Its a Borden Action and Bartlein Barrel put together by Jim Borden and bedded by Alex Sitman in 6 Dasher.This was its first match and second time to the range.
Its a keeper.

Did Gary C. implement the new relay rotation? If so, what was the general response?
Pete you missed a good match today as alot of guys showed up for a final tune before the big match.
Gary did implement the new relay system and it went smoothly.If you shot on the last relay you still shot in terrible mirage but you can't fix that anyway.
I didn't shoot heavygun today because we had a new shooter show up so I lent him my heavygun.I did look through the scope several times and the conditions were bad at 104 degrees.
My father didn't even drive over with me as the heat was too much for him at 75 years old.
What is the relay rotation?

Okay guys. Brenda and I are coming to the 1000 Yard Nationals. We have never shot a long range bechrest match. I have at least two questions...probably more later.

(1) How does the relay rotation work?
(2) Can we switch rifles between different events? In other words, shoot one rifle for one light gun 5 shot group and switch to another for the second light gun group? Or switch from one day to the next?

Anything else you want to throw down that we should know, that would be great. Just trying to get prepared for the match as much as we can having never shot one of these.

The new format we shot sunday went something like this.
We drew for relays and benches just like always.
Relay 2 went to the pits to put up and mark targets.
Relay 1 shot lightgun targets only!!!! Normaly you would shoot both.
Relay 2 came out of the pits and shot lightgun and heavygun both just like normal then went back to the pits so relay 1 could shoot heavygun.

In a nutshell this means relay 1 shot first and last and relay 2 shot 2nd and 3rd.Normaly there is a big advantage to getting on the first relay of a big match because the first day is always your longest day.Our Score keeper Gary Childs has been watching the trend and decided to implement this strategy so relay 1 wasn't getting a huge advantage.It seemed to run very smoothly and go as planned.
I shot on the first relay and did very well but I didn't shoot in heavygun at all.I don't want anybody to look at the results and think relay 1 still had a huge advantage because it was evenly mixed.

At the Nationals make sure you weigh in every gun you plan on shooting or using as a spare.After that you can switch them out or clean them in any way you wish.We will shoot 2 lightgun and 2 heavygun targets a day for a 6 target aggregate in each weight.

Depending on the attendance the new format may or may not be used.I think Gary is leaning towards it but we don't have a final head count yet on how many shooters will be attending.