Sinclair F Class bipod question



Anyone have a sinclair f class bipod?
How wiide is it?
Outside of feet is 16 5/8", total width to locks is 19 7/8" Just used mine for the first time today in a match,love the thing.
I have used mine for about a year now and nothing but good things to say about it. Plus have seen them used by many of the High Master competitors in FTR and F-Open, that is usually a ringing endorsement IMHO.
Thanks for the replys.
Nice rifles.
I am building one like you have Latisimusd.
Have the stock and bqartline barrel.
Barnard S action is on its way.
Nice rig and range, gotta love that VA countryside. Looks a lot like TN.
How did you do in your first match? Causes long range shooting addiction:D

I had to buy mine used it had 400 rounds through the 6.5x284 barrel so I hope to finish this season with it, set it back and get a replacement for next year. I got my brass sorted, sized, weighed, and neck sized. Loaded up 20 rounds to get my zero setup for 200ys. Got on paper and center in 3 shots, got 5 into a .337 hole at 200. Hopefully get to shoot it in its first competition with me at the trigger in July. It's a Warner Tool F-Class rifle my first big rifle purchase. Barnard make an excellent action.
Was at Quantico, Won FT/R, 472 w/ 6X's. The swelling's starting to go down in my head now. :)
Congrats from a fellow F/TR You can keep the swell for a while longer - those X's and a win always feels good
Starting to get warm and humid in my neck of the woods, nothing like some stiniging sweat in your eyes to remind you it's summer.