Shoutout to mcmillan!


oft dis'd member
Just sayin'..... it's nice to deal with folks long entrenched in the custom firearms industry. I just had yet another very satisfactory transaction experience with the folks at McMillan and in this mod'ren day of everyone-bashing-everyone (action mfgrs/trigger mfgrs/brass mfgrs/ reamer mfgrs/ stock mfgrs/ bbl mfgrs/scope mfgrs etc-etc) I feel it's sometimes important to set the record straight. Give credit where credit is due.

And on this note let me just say, contrary to all I hear for over 40yrs of conspicuous consuming I HAVE NEVER BEEN MISTREATED BY ANYONE IN THE CUSTOM FIREARMS INDUSTRY!!! And I can't name one from which I haven't purchased (well, actually, I've never owned either a Gilkes nor a Geske action....but that's not to say LOL ......)

Nor will I name the names of the most often vilified..... but THANK YOU MCMILLAN for yet another very positive experience ;)

that's all
well there is always two sides to a story
i am local to mcm, and they have inlet several of their stocks for me.
they stopped production, and offer NO SUPPORT TO CURRENT CUSTOMERS.
not a happy camper.
not likely to buy anymore mcm
ii do not believe any mcm's are current owners
well there is always two sides to a story
i am local to mcm, and they have inlet several of their stocks for me.
they stopped production, and offer NO SUPPORT TO CURRENT CUSTOMERS.
not a happy camper.
not likely to buy anymore mcm
ii do not believe any mcm's are current owners

I couldn't care less about the ownership, family and all that. But for at least 40yrs they've been solidly professional to me, in business.

But then I'm a businessman. I'm a business owner, I have no wish for nor need for "favors" nor "friendship" nor "flavor of a small-town family business"

In fact, I detest small town mentality by and large.

When I was smaller and more approachable (less busy, has NOTHING to do with "personality") I did lots of favors for folks.... small jobs which paid nothing.

Now I can't often afford to do that.

IMO inletting a customer's stock is a FAVOR..... it's an act of good will..... it's most often not a sound business decision, especially when, as a business expands margins tighten. Ummmm, Drs used to come out to your house. Milk was delivered to your front porch and some dude warshed your windows and checked your oil when you gassed up. Many people are convinced they miss that, calling it "a level of service"......

I am just differently wired I guess.

And I know exactly what the words "level" and "service" mean.

IMO asking someone to do something they don't want to do is rude, and then badmouthing them to the world to boot??? Execrable.

There are plenty of very qualified, very honest and even very NICE men out there who offer the service you require and speaking ill of others here on this forum will always make me rise out of the grass.


Not trying to hurt your feelings, I just don't agree with your stance.
I couldn't care less about the ownership, family and all that. But for at least 40yrs they've been solidly professional to me, in business.

But then I'm a businessman. I'm a business owner, I have no wish for nor need for "favors" nor "friendship" nor "flavor of a small-town family business"

In fact, I detest small town mentality by and large.

When I was smaller and more approachable (less busy, has NOTHING to do with "personality") I did lots of favors for folks.... small jobs which paid nothing.

Now I can't often afford to do that.

IMO inletting a customer's stock is a FAVOR..... it's an act of good will..... it's most often not a sound business decision, especially when, as a business expands margins tighten. Ummmm, Drs used to come out to your house. Milk was delivered to your front porch and some dude warshed your windows and checked your oil when you gassed up. Many people are convinced they miss that, calling it "a level of service"......

I am just differently wired I guess.

And I know exactly what the words "level" and "service" mean.

IMO asking someone to do something they don't want to do is rude, and then badmouthing them to the world to boot??? Execrable.

There are plenty of very qualified, very honest and even very NICE men out there who offer the service you require and speaking ill of others here on this forum will always make me rise out of the grass.


Not trying to hurt your feelings, I just don't agree with your stance.

and in this case i disagree with yours.
opinion or not inletting has been part of their day to day biz...until now
moving on
I'm sure inletting for many different actions is a real PITA but if I made stocks, I have to think that would be part of that. Just my 2 cents. Not badmouthing anybody and they can still build a fine product with or without that service. It's their choice and I'm sure it's strictly a business decision. I don't bore tuners for rimfires. Probably a similar reasoning but in my case, people confuse calipers for a micrometer but want a perfect fit. So, I choose not to do that any more with absolutely no ill intent behind that decision.
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I'm sure inletting for many different actions is a real PITA but if I made stocks, I have to think that would be part of that. Just my 2 cents. Not badmouthing anybody and they can still build a fine product with or without that service. It's their choice and I'm sure it's strictly a business decision.

To be clear, McMillan still does full-on inletting on every product they sell...... ridiculously cheap and very well.
but to be real clear if they quit making it yesterday,and you want it inlet tommorrow too bad..
and not a new customer a long time repeat customer...but no longer

Let your finger do the walking....across the keyboard for your required simple task of inletting a blank-
Alex Sitman-Master Class Stocks
Carl Bernosky-Carl Bernosky Shooting Sports

to name a couple...from my fingertips
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And, on the subject of getting your satisfaction there are plenty of whiney-B**** forums where you'll be able to a whole dogpile of'll be a part'ay....and I won't be there to get in the way :)

bash on bruhh.....BUT I STILL say it a wife or a friend or a client or a job, if the other side doesn't want to play, LET IT GO!! There's enough real tragedy in the world without generating it.
And, on the subject of getting your satisfaction there are plenty of whiney-B**** forums where you'll be able to a whole dogpile of'll be a part'ay....and I won't be there to get in the way :)

bash on bruhh.....BUT I STILL say it a wife or a friend or a client or a job, if the other side doesn't want to play, LET IT GO!! There's enough real tragedy in the world without generating it.

but just as you profess support, i am allowed the opposite when it is true.

now to see if you can let it go
but just as you profess support, i am allowed the opposite when it is true.

now to see if you can let it go

Well, just NO..... ;)

Yes opinions vary
Yes you're entitled to your opinion
Yes this is a forum where opinions are welcome

#1, you don't follow opinions with "when it is true"
#2, while support is ALWAYS OK, bashing is not.
#3, this is my thread, your not the boss a me

My problem is not with "wow, it sucks that McMillan no longer offers an inletting service on stuff they're not actively making" it's with the idea that "YOU should be more like XXXX"

I been told all my life how I "should be"
I get told perty much every day here on BRC how "I should be"
I will be told again tomorrow "How I Should Be!!"

Well I say, "you just be how you wanna' be, I respect that, it's your way"

I don't abide preachers
I don't abide vegans
I don't even abide some jerkoff telling me I shouldn't smoke

I don't give a ratsass what YOU or anyone else "thinks I should do" and I would never tell you how you should be. You be just exactly like you want, I'm fine wi'dat.

And if Mcmillan doesn't want to do your work....or mine...."I'M FINE WI'DAT!!"