short tripods

I need a few tripods that can be set as low as 1 1/2 foot for use with a wind flag. Does any one have some recommendations on such tripods and vendors?
Al Elliott
Google "short tripod"

I just did and got 27,308 hits. Some looked promising but you'd have to make the necessary mods to adapt them.

I hope this helps.


I Googled it and landing at It was there I got the thousands of hits. I have no idea just how many references there on the total number of Internet sites.

... sorry for the error.

I need a few tripods that can be set as low as 1 1/2 foot for use with a wind flag. Does any one have some recommendations on such tripods and vendors?
Al Elliott
I've been looking for those too. The range in Denton Tx requires those too. I saw some at the Rattlesnake last month. I believe they were the stands that Andy cited. Try BH Photo, I got my taller ones there. I'm gonna go look myself. B&H has one with a max 24 inch height. Looks like 18" would be no problem. They're $39.00. Here's a link:
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Thanks all.
The stands that Ronnie Cheek referred to seem to fit the need and the price is right.

The price is certainly right but I'm not sure if they'll set up to 18". It says that they fold to 17", but when you extend the legs they may be up 3 - 6" taller. I don't know for sure but I'd want to know a little more before I bought five of them.
I'd bet you could cut them down if you needed to do it. My stands that I had for my Oheler chronograph were too tall for my range setup. I cut about 6 inches off them and they worked well. The link that Ronnie have is the best price I've ever seen for a set of light stands.
got em

I received a couple of the short light stands that Ronnie mentioned. They seem like that are as well built as others I have tried and with the legs extended they go as low as 17 1/2 inches to the top of the mounting screw. They look like they will work. I may have to stake them down to avoid tipping over in a good wind, but that should not be a problem.
Thanks again for the replies and suggestions.
I received a couple of the short light stands that Ronnie mentioned. They seem like that are as well built as others I have tried and with the legs extended they go as low as 17 1/2 inches to the top of the mounting screw. They look like they will work. I may have to stake them down to avoid tipping over in a good wind, but that should not be a problem.
Thanks again for the replies and suggestions.

Super, thanks for reporting back. I'll go order some myself.

Well, phooey, there were only three left and I wanted five. However there was another model that was a little more at 17.95 and said they were 18.1" at lowest. So I ordered five of those. Turned out I had .cash back money sitting at Discover and used part of that to pay for these. And they'll be here Thursday. Chargemaster was delivered today. Good day all around.
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to all who have been involved

in this thread, I must ask, why do you insist on "light stands", "music stands", "tripods"? A spike in the ground is a VERY stable base and a pole above that is ANY height you want, ordered right. And it transports in a much smaller package. And, OBTW, the correct spike will even go in the ground in the bottom of a limestone quarry, such as Unaka.


They may be shooting on rocky soil ranges. A tripod works anywhere whereas stakes are hard to pound into rocks.
Funny thing

They may be shooting on rocky soil ranges. A tripod works anywhere whereas stakes are hard to pound into rocks.

I have shot at ranges from Wenatchee, WA to Lagrange, OR to Midland, TX, to St. Louis, MO, to Dublin GA, to Thurmont, MD to Johnson City, T, to Minnetonka, MN. and all points in between. Never have found a range yet that I could not put a spike in the ground. JMHO


I'm relatively new to this game and I've mostly seen tripods of some flavor used to hold wind flags. I like them because I'm old (74) fat (296 lbs) and I find it easier to move tripods around when I'm trying to get the flags set up and aligned. I certainly agree about the bulk and weight of tripods but I've never seen the spiked poles for sale. I probably didn't look hard enough. More than a few times as I've trudged around the Coors range at the Whittington Center, wheezing, I've pondered making some kind of staked poles that are easy to set. So far I haven't come up with anything.