Shooting Free recoil

Jerry Reisdorff

New member
Would it be against the (NBRSA) rules to add a 1/2 inch post under the form arm to prevent it from coming off the rest ? Since I can’t let the gun hit my shoulder anymore. Other options is to sell and stop competing.
Why can't the gun hit your shoulder? what cal. is it I shot a Dasher with a brake and it stopped in the bag. I bet it isn't legal for something to stop the rearward motion, if it were legal it screw up the front rest position on every shot..... jim
Why can't the gun hit your shoulder? what cal. is it I shot a Dasher with a brake and it stopped in the bag. I bet it isn't legal for something to stop the rearward motion, if it were legal it screw up the front rest position on every shot..... jim

Hi Jim, thanks for your response - I am deciding on the course I would take to continue shooting and was hoping to get a read from the officers of the NBRSA. My reason is medical and didn’t want to shoot left handed. I have a way to do this that will not mess up the shot -

But since the NBRSA is a mess right now - it doesn’t mater much........ Just do it.....
Make sure you have a scope that has long eye relief, or you may bleed..... The old 12-42 NXS was very long and I never got hit, try to find one with about 4" eye relief, good luck bud..... jim
I read the NBRSA 1000/600 rules concerning stock attachments and any attachment is legal so long as the rifle makes weight.