Shoot pennsylvania weekend results


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What a weekend...Wilson Range SATURDAY 1. John Benyo 737-31X 2. Butch Wahl 737-27X 3 .Dave Burns 734 -37X So windy blew the FAN off one bench. 1 250 shot John Benyo 7 brave souls
Fairchance SUNDAY 1. Jim Peightal 733-28 X 2. Gary Hittie 731-27X 3. Carl Boise 729-28X Lived up to its name, and legend.. NO 250 shot High target Calvin Trader 248-7X 15 KITES

Wilson switched from L -R to R-L it wore out my flags..
Fairchance blew so hard it blew probes and flags down. THEN that was not hard enough , They turned on the WINDMILLS on the mountain ridge across the valley..
BUT through it all everyone had a great time and had to work for everything ...
NEXT month we do all over again..
Hope you can come out and have a good time with us..

Jerry R