Shehane Tracker ST 1000F Inletting


I'm inletting a ST1000F stock for a Hall M action. The problem is, if I bed the tang level with the stock the bolt cocking piece hits the stock and I would have to mill a slot for the bolt to work. The other option is to bed the action a little higher so I don't have to mill the slot and the bolt will clear the stock. After looking at the action raised it looks a little odd with the tang setting above the stock. Any suggestions?
Thanks, Boe
It is fairly common to have to mill such a slot; my BAT's all need this too. With a BAT, the rear of the "tang" serves as a recoil lug, is quite thick, and the "tang" too has a slot. I don't have a Hall to hand, but am assuming you're talking about something similar.