September VFS Match at Summerville SC


Long Rifles

Thanks to Jim Hamilton and crew for another good match in Summerville. The range has given everyone fits this year. Good shooting to Mike, Henry, Kevin, Jim and the other competitors. Look forward to the Oct. match.
100 yard winner Mike Lucas 250-20
2nd place Henry Rivers 250-19
3rd place Jim Wooten 250-18

200 yard winner Henry Rivers 249-8
2nd place Kevin Poston 249-5
3rd place Ronnie Long 248-9

Grand Agg.
Henry Rivers
Kevin Poston
Ronnie Long
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Palmetto Match

Congrats to all the winners, and a big thanks to Jim, Malcomb, and Jack for putting on the match, always enjoy shooting there. It was a tough match as always , Palmetto range can have so many different faces, can never tell who she might be, always a challenge.

Congrats to all the winners! It was a tough day for some (like me;)), but others figured things out.

I apologize for the quality of the post match photo, but somehow the switch on the camera got bumped to video, and I had to extract a still from the video :eek:.

