SEB or Farley front rest


Bench 1

I have been trying to find a SEB or farley front rest to buy new or used. I had no idea this would be so difficult I think I am in the wrong buisness. Farley and SEBS customer sevice stinks to say the least they want even return a call. If anyone can help me out on where to find one please let me know. Thanks
Thanks Rob I will continue looking. I like the SEB. rest but at this point I will need to settle for what I can find. But thank you for letting me know why its so hard to contact someone.
Bench 1,
First my apology if you have difficulty to contact me or the Dealer about the rest!
Personally I have never ignored any emails coming and always try to reply asap although I'm very busy with my jobs. If I was late to reply emails that's usually because I was out of town for my businesses, or time difference between us, or I was just too tired.
If I know your sure name I must be able to find your email/my reply. Feel free to ask/email me if you have any questions about my rests.

Re: rest.
My machinists & I can only make about 250-300 rests a year as the rests are hand made & it takes a lot of time to build one. It's not a mass produced rest & wouldn't be. In fact most of the rests are spoken for even before I'm starting the production. In addition I work on first come first serve basis.

Hope this explains why the lead time is long & why I don't have a rest in stock most of the time.

I thanks you for your understanding & interest in my front rest!
If you are in a hurry to get a joystick rest may I suggest you to find a Farley or Shadetree.

Thank you so much for wrighting me back. Actually I have not tried to email you I have tried to contact the U.S dealer by phone. Now that I understand how you produce the rest and the time in each one I totally can see why it is so hard to get. I guess I am like my kids when I want something I think I should pick up the phone or get in the truck and go get it LOL. Your rest are great but for now I may half to settle for something else. Thanks
The SEB is well worth the wait, when I ordered mine Ernie was quick to respond and gave me a pretty accurate delivery time. A couple of my friends also have the SEB rest and have emailed SEB and also received quick responses.

SEB; Thanks for such a fine quality rest; I believe it's the best thing on the market at this time and highly recommend your rest to anyone that asks me about it.

I've used a new SEB recently. The control movement is very nice, smoother than my Farley by a bit. I don't like the dual lock knobs that need to be dealth with to change the rest height vs. the single on a Farley. I'm not sure there is enough positive in the SEB to change from a Farley but it is certainly a fine alternative to a farley.

Regarding wait times, nothing in this sport that is really good comes to you fast. Get used to it and plan accordingly.
I don't know what the issue is with Farley Customer Service, Just recently I was talking to them and the email response time was great. And this was just a month or so ago and the lead time on one of their rests basically didn't exist. I was working with Mike and was pleased with them.
The new Seb with the benchrest upgrades is heads and tails above the rest. I cant wait for mine to arrive. Lee
"I don't like the dual lock knobs that need to be dealth with to change the rest height vs. the single on a Farley. "

I only use one lock knob and it works just fine. Was told that by someone? Do most people use both? If so, yes a pia.
"I don't like the dual lock knobs that need to be dealth with to change the rest height vs. the single on a Farley. "

I only use one lock knob and it works just fine. Was told that by someone? Do most people use both? If so, yes a pia.

Good question for the builder. One may be enough, but may not be.
SEB or Farley Front rest

Good question for the builder. One may be enough, but may not be.

Fed Ex just delieved my new SEB rest yesterday while filling bag notice 1 was leaking called Ernie complete new set is on the way I did Super Glue this bag and install . Sure looks nice time shall tell . Was quite a waiting period.

I'm not sure there is enough positive in the SEB to change from a Farley

I can assure you there is. After shooting a Farley for 8 years, I switched to a NEO. In fact I received my NEO, filled the bag and took it to a match the next day, along with my Farley “just in case”. I never used the Farley the whole match, and have not used it since. Apart for being a nice guy, Seb is an innovator. He never stops trying to find a way to improve his products, and thats something I am grateful for.

Thanks you for your concern.

You can try this: loan a NEO from your friend for one or two minutes, lock the 'carriage' by one lock knob only (no need to lock the knob pretty tight), then put about 100 lbs weight on the top and check if the lock knob is not working or if the carriage moves. (Be creative to find the weight, or just try to shake the carriage as hard as you can).
Also try this: lock the carriage by two lock knobs (again no need to tighten the knobs pretty tight), then stand-up on the top with one leg, no matter how many pounds your weight is, then check if the carriage moves. --- Don't worry, the rest wouldn't break or damage as long as your foot is placed right on the center of the top. (Just be careful that you do not fall when trying to stand up on the top). If the rest is broken or damage I will replace it as soon as I can, and no question will be asked.

Hope this answer your concern.

I went from a Seb mod.1 to a Farley this year. I use the Farley ever since. I have not used the Seb Neo, so i cant comment on that.
Mike Farley answered med most times the same day, if not the day after. He's service for me was outstanding!