Scope slipping in rings


New member
I have noticed that my T-36 scope is slipping in the Kelby rings. Is their some type of adhesive that I can use to prevent this? The scope is on a 30 BR, I degreased everything before mounting the scope and it is tightened according to Kelby specs with gap between the rings.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Back when I was into handgun hunting, I would put rubber cement on both the rings and the scope. That would hold a scope on such things as a 44 Magnum, without slipping. The cement can be removed simply by rubbing it off, or with a little Naptha, if needed.
Centerfire, their was a thread about proper Kelby scope torque in which Jim Kelby recommended that the rings be torqued to 10lbs with a 0.020" gap between the top and bottom rings. He recommended that the rings to bases be as tight as possible. I have followed those recommendations but torqued my rings a bit more for the 30 BR. I think maybe some clear sealant might be a good idea in my case. I am looking for advice from the experienced guys on what to use.

Clear fingernail polish, it can be removed with acetone.
I apply Rosin to the degreased scope tube where it contacts the rings, then torque to reccommendations of the ring maker.
Thanks for the ideas gentleman.
Boyd, I did not lap the rings, since they were Kelby, I did not think I needed to, I will look at that as well.
I am leaning towards the nail polish or Rosin, I think something that drys into a hard surface might be better. If anyone has something that might work even better, please let me know.

I have had good luck with a single wrap of masking tape on the scope tube. Aquaseal or liquisole glue also work great and is removable.

Thanks for the ideas gentleman.
Boyd, I did not lap the rings, since they were Kelby, I did not think I needed to, I will look at that as well.
I am leaning towards the nail polish or Rosin, I think something that drys into a hard surface might be better. If anyone has something that might work even better, please let me know.

You can dissolve the rosin in acetone (or is it toluene? best to check...) -- use a fair bit of rosin -- and paint the mixture on the inside of the rings. When it dries, it will be a "hard surface," and will not be prone to slip. I've never tried fingernail polish, if it works as well, that would be easier...
I use powdered rosin in the rings... never has a slippage problem. I usually lap the bottom of rings...
On my benchrest rifles,I bed the bottom half of the scope ring with epoxy. Its easy to do and you get a perfect scope to ring fit,that doesn't require excessive torque to prevent slippage.

On my benchrest rifles,I bed the bottom half of the scope ring with epoxy. Its easy to do and you get a perfect scope to ring fit,that doesn't require excessive torque to prevent slippage. Glenn

I'll second Glenn's excellent advice an add a pic of one of my sets done that way:


There can be darn little contact area between the rings and the tube in many cases. Commonly, the main contact is just at the outer edges where the tops/bottoms flex together as the tops are tightened. I've also used rubber cement (works fine). On one of my BR rigs with a 1" scope, I'm using a set of 30mm rings with 30mm-to-1" Delrin inserts.

Good shootin'. :) -Al