First dry air, then a soft camel hair brush, then make several folds of several sheets of lens cleaning tissue (photo shop) and tear the bundle in half so as to create a sort of soft brush end of the torn fibers. Wet the lens with several drops of lens cleaning solution as well as the tissue. Work in circles that are concentric with the lens. Use new torn tissue and cleaner until the lens is clean, and then dry with the same tissue configuration. Do a final wipe, with light pressure with a CLEAN microfiber lens cleaning cloth. Keep covered when not in use, and keep your greasy finger prints off. The main thing is not to apply pressure to any sort of abrasive material and drag it across the surface being cleaned. Avoid spur of the moment cleaning with shirt tails and T shirts. Leave it dirty till you can do it right. That is why it is a good idea to keep the proper cleaning materials in your camp kit.