Savage 12 in 6mm Norma BR



Still am looking for a new toy and being a lefty this rifle would be easy to operate from the bench. I know this is not a serious bench rest rifle but I am just looking for a very accurate toy where I do not have to use custom dies, turn necks, etc.

Anyone here own one of these? All feedback would be appreciated.
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Still am looking for a new toy and being a lefty this rifle would be easy to operate from the bench. I know this is not a serious bench rest rifle but I am just looking for a very accurate toy where I do not have to use custom dies, turn necks, etc.

Anyone here own one of these? All feedback would be appreciated.

Check out the Savage M12 Long Range Precision Varmint Rifle. Right bolt, left port. Great reputation for accuracy. Shop around for prices--I've seen new ones priced at about $900.
How about a serious left-handed benchrest rifle with no-turn necks and no custom dies, that could be shot for a couple of years and, if you didn't want to keep it, could be sold for virtually the same price you paid?

Toby Bradshaw

Nice but I want to stay with a 6mm, very windy where I shoot. Not sure I want a lefty bolt for bench use as long as there is no cheek piece on the rifle. Right bolt, right port makes a lot of sense for a lefty.
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My friendly FFL holder found a Savage 12 for just a hair over $800 plus shipping. Choices are the repeater with removeable magazine, single shot, or single shot with dual ports.
Would like to solicite the opinions of you experts before the order is placed. Mind you, I am looking for a super accurate rifle (to me anyhow). If my shooting techniques are good would be tickled if the rifle could shoot in the .3's or lower at 100 yards. With this in mind, would any of the different rifle styles offer any better potential?
If my shooting techniques are good would be tickled if the rifle could shoot in the .3's or lower at 100 yards. With this in mind, would any of the different rifle styles offer any better potential?

I have 3 6BRs that I put on Savage actions. 2 are Target Actions like you are considering. The type of action (RBRP, RBLP, or dual) will have little to do with accuracy. It is just a matter of preference. The dual port offers speed for a single shot (brass flies one way when you cycle the bolt and you drop a live round in from the left). Are threes doable? I have shoot some lots of 3s and a couple in matches. However, I can only agg in 0.4s so far. I think it is more with my ability to call the wind than a limitation of the gun. The one day I did load development with my most recent Shilen 6BR, I shot several 0.2s and even got a 0.1 in there. Worst groups where in the 0.7s. However, all of my barrels are custom pre-fits (Shilens & Krieger). Not sure a factory tube will do that but some will.

Luck, Tim
My friendly FFL holder found a Savage 12 for just a hair over $800 plus shipping. Choices are the repeater with removeable magazine, single shot, or single shot with dual ports.
Would like to solicite the opinions of you experts before the order is placed. Mind you, I am looking for a super accurate rifle (to me anyhow). If my shooting techniques are good would be tickled if the rifle could shoot in the .3's or lower at 100 yards. With this in mind, would any of the different rifle styles offer any better potential?

I still think you'd be better off with the Wichita.
No doubt its a nice rifle but it also costs about $600 more. And buying used means a new barrel may be required. At a minimum, if I bought the Wichita I would have it cut and rechambered to 6mm BR adding another couple of hundred to the total.

Savage also, I believe, offers versions of the rifle in either 1 in 8 or 1 in 12 twist. Not every port/magazine arrangement is available in both twists. Be careful and make sure you get what you really want/need. A consumer price for any new LVRP in the neighborhood of $800.00 USD is a flat steal, IMHO.
Correction, price is about $900 plus shipping. Have no idea why $800 stuck in my mind. And my dealer just gave me the prices yesterday!
Decided to go with the Savage 4 shot repeater with it's 1-12 twist and right port right bolt. Price was right at $849 from Ron Shirks. Right port right bolt should be just the ticket for me shooting off the bench as a left hander.
Most likely will add a second barrel later in .308.

Just hope this one is a shooter:). If not it was worth the try at the price.
Right port right bolt should be just the ticket for me shooting off the bench as a left hander.

The reason people have went to a RBLP configuration is that is allows you to cycle the bolt without taking you eye off the scope/target. Can't do that with a RB configuration shooting lefty. I am a lefty that taught myself to shoot a righty with a right bolt configuration to shoot BR.

Luck, Tim
Why not? My left cheek is against the stock looking through the scope. My right hand opens the bolt and the right hand loads and closes the bolt.

I've shot my wife and son's right handed rifles many times off the bench and they are all right bolt right port. Seems the easiest way to shoot off the bench is to shoot an opposite sided bolt.

Off the bench I find a righty easier to shoot than a lefty.
Just to cover all the bases: Savage CS told me that a left bolt right port was not made in the "new" target action.
I got mine from Fred Moreo at Sharp Shooter Supply -- it says Savage on it.

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Rifle came in today and I am impressed. Very nice stock with a wide forearm for hugging the bag. Trigger is nice but could be lighter. Bolt travel is extremely smooth, unlike Savages I've owned in the past. Still waiting for the scope mount to come in from Brownells so I can mount the Sightron 6x24 and head out to the range.
Hope I am not being premature but this is one nice rifle for about $900 delivered.
Seems to fit me very well for shooting off the bags as I am a lefty and this is a right bolt, right port action. Stock has no cheekpiece.
Savage 6br

I recently bought a Savage 6Br 1-12 twist. Cost me right around $1,000.00. Its a right bolt left port Single Shot, I saw it and with Savage's reputation I bought it on sight. Not a bench rest shooter. Always had sporter rifles, maybe an occasional Remington 700 varminter. It was an impulse buy, I decieded I would use it as a Varmit rifle, always looked for the best accuracy i could get for the buck. After shooting the rifle i wasn't a bit sorry for buying it. Not being the best shot in the world or the worse. At the range I tried some 80 grain noslers to press the limit, I was surprised no key holing and the group was really impressive. But the rifle really shond with 68 grain Berger bullets pushed only half way to max. I was amazed the group was almost 1 hole for 5 shots. As soon as I can get a decent scope (Power) I will see what it will do at 600 yards. Don't think I will shoot it much further as it will be my number one Varmit rifle now. I broke the rifle in to the best of my ability, after every shot clean for about 10 shots , then 3 shot strings then clean, for abour 5 strings then of 5 shot strings cleaning between shots. Guess i did it right Lou