Saturday or Sunday?


Joe Haller

I have noticed that most of the sanctioned matches listed here on BRC are run on Saturdays. We have always run our matches on Sundays, but this year we ran ONE on a Saturday (Because the next day was Mother's Day).

I am thinking about running more Saturday matches next year, because of Sunday church services, But: The one Saturday match we had this year was the one with the lowest attendance.

What is your reasoning for Saturday matches, and do you get better attendance on Saturday?

Joe :)
I try for Sunday matches or Saturday evening because some of our shooters work 6 days a week and can't shoot on Saturday mornings. Some can get off Saturday occasionally if they have been good(G). Some other matches at our range such as our informal sporter benchrest matches have pretty good attendance on Saturday. I guess it depends on the work patterns of your shooters.

Most of the matches I shoot are held on Sundays... Usually there is good participation.

I don't have to go beg forgiveness on Sunday's, as I am good all the time..:D :eek: :rolleyes:

I have all of my matches on Friday evening or Saturday becuase of church, football, and Nascar on Sundays. Just too many conflicts on Sunday.