Sad News

James A. Kelbly

New member
I got an email from Americo Angaran of Italy and he informed me that Ivan Piani's wife has passed away from a long battle of cancer. Ivan Piani has been coming to Super Shoot for about six years and was cooking Italian meals for us up on the hill at Clay Spencer's or Jim Pretti's trailer one night during past Super Shoots. I would guess his wife's age of 35 to 45 years old. Please keep Ivan in your thoughts and prayers.

So very sorry to hear this terrible news.....

I got an email from Americo Angaran of Italy and he informed me that Ivan Piani's wife has passed away from a long battle of cancer. Ivan Piani has been coming to Super Shoot for about six years and was cooking Italian meals for us up on the hill at Clay Spencer's or Jim Pretti's trailer one night during past Super Shoots. I would guess his wife's age of 35 to 45 years old. Please keep Ivan in your thoughts and prayers.


I will be sure to keep Ivan's wife, and Ivan and his family in all my prayers...!
