Sac Valley IR50/50 11/19/22 Results


Sloughhouse BR Shooters held our last registered IR5050 match this Saturday and 10 hardy shooters were faced with chilly temps and mild but typically switchy conditions. We shoot 2 consecutive 3-card matches, and combine the 2 for the 6-card Cash awards.
Card 1 was won in an X-count showdown by Brett Berger with a 249 16x just edging out Pierre Bigras' 14x's. Francis Lee was 3rd with 249 10x.
Card 2 was Brett again with an outstanding 250 19x, followed by Francis with 248 14x, and Ron Chisick 3rd with 247 10x.
Card 3 was Pierre's turn to win the x-count battle with a 248 13x, edging out Ron who also had 248 13x on the Tie Breaker Francis was 3rd with 248 12x.
Match 1 top 3: 1st Brett Berger 747 46x, 2nd Francis Lee 745 36x, 3rd Pierre Bigras 743 39x.
With the wind conditions picking up we rolled right into Match 2.
Card 1 was won in another X-count battle with the top 3 shooting 249's Pierre winning with 19x, Francis 2nd with 18x, and Ron 3rd with 12x.
Card 2 was taken by Brett with a 248 14x, Pierre 2nd with 248 11x, Ron 3rd with 247 9x.
Card 3 was Brett again with his second 250 of the day this time with 18x, Pierre 2nd with 249 10x, Marcus Byrne and his Annie taking 3rd with 246 13x.
Match 2 top 3: Pierre Bigras was 1st with a 746 40x, Brett 2nd with 744 43x, Francis 3rd at 740 36x.

For the overall 6-Card combined AKA the Money Match, I arbitrarily put the 4 guys shooting Bipods in "Factory Class" even though a couple of those rifles cost more than my Unlimited. Even though Brett shoots that Space Gun of his off a bipod I classified him UNL on "known ability" ie he kicks everyones butt.
The 6 card awards were ass follows:
UNL: 1st Brett Berger 1491 89x, 2nd Pierre Bigras 1489 79x, 3rd Francis Lee 1485 72x.
Factory: 1st Dave Gross 1428 29x, 2nd Mike Nardella 1425 36x, 3rd Rob Nelson 1398 28x, 4th Michael Allbright 1386 23x.

I really appreciate everyone who turned out, and everyone who chipped in to help since Match Director Dan was gone to AZ, and I was pulling double duty.
We plan on having some sort of club/fun match on Dec 17th weather permitting, maybe a 100 yd.
I will have Dan keep everyone posted.
Results attached (no they aren't, it won't let me upload either the excel files or the PDF's.) They are over on Rimfire Accuracy.
PS: If anyone took any pics feel free to post them I neglected to think of it.
The new Factory class will start in 2023
Rules are still in development
Grwg let some new shooters get a practive as to what it will be like.
Any Time we can add new shooters to a ,match is a plus
