Rutherfordton, N.C. State Match


Fla mac

Hope everything is go for the N.C. State Match this weekend. I will be there Fri. afternoon.
Mims, Fl.
Thanks to Tommy and his crew for another good NC state championship match.
Congratulations to Henry Rivers for another great win, and to all the other winners Mike Rippey, Herbie Lewellyn, for the 100 and 200 yardage aggs. Congratulations to all the other competitors and special mention to some of the new crop of rookies that we have, they fared pretty well in some tough conditions at 200 yds. There were a total of 30 shooters in VFS and some long range travelers showed up for the match. Jerry Nettles came from Kentucky, Allie Euber from Vermont, the Lewellyn's from Maryland along with Dick Grosbier, Lynn Moss and John McCorquodale from Flordia. Good to see everyone, good shooting, and hope to see you next year.
Thanks again to Tommy and Piedmont gun club for providing a very nice facility for the IBS/VFS shooters in 2010.
N C states

I would like to thank Tommy and the rest of the Piedmont crew for the great job they did at the match yesterday, great match as always. Congrats to all the winners, good to see some of the guys and gals haven`t seen in a while,Dick,Kim,Herb,Allie, from up north and the guys from Florida. Also all the new shooters that have started to shoot, hope everyone had a safe trip home.

Congratulations Henry, and all the other winners as well.
Thanks to Tommy and his crew for a good match. That is what keeps the sport going. I think everyone had a good time. Good shooting to all winners.
Thanks again.
John McCorquodale
Congratulations to Tommy and his crew they ran a great match.
Congratulations to my friend Herby Llewellyn for being the only shooter on relay two to survive the weather front that came through on match 4 and going on to win the 200.

Stayin' HUMBLE . . .

CONGRATULATIONS, Henry! :) It looks like a little 600 yard humility put the edge back on yer dager! :p;) RG