Rusty Carr



How about some info on your hunt.
I don't know about other people but I would like to hear about it.
And I'm sure other people want to know too.
Rudy Manuel:cool::cool::cool:

Rudy, thanks for showing interest. The whole experience is great. The travel is brutal. We flew Delta from Atlanta to Johannesburg, then after going through the hassel of getting our guns into the country, we drove about 4 hours, spent the night, and drove about 4 more hours to where we hunted. We were in the Eastern cape, not far from the tip of Africa. It was cold, windy, and we were at about 6K ft elevation. Our hosts were a couple who had lived in the area for quite a while and treated us like honered guests.
We ate like kings, had maid service and even had laundry service. We each took 6 animals. I took a Gemsbok, a large antelope with long straight horns, a springbok, a smaller antelope, a Blesbok(common and white) a black Wildebeast, and a red Hartebeast. The black wildebeast is an interesting animal, and looks like it was made of spare parts. The horns look like Harley Chopper handlebars. Far from quenching my fire to hunt there, I now want to go back and hunt Buffalo. I would have to go to Tanzania for that. P.H. was a guy named Pierre Von Tonder, and I couldn't recomend him higher. If anybody wants to talk about it, feel free to call. 478-275-4584 Again, thanks for your interest, Rusty Carr
Glad you had an excellent trip....and.....glad to have you back! You can disregard the pm now that I've gotten the lowdown.:D
