RSAUM and WSM brass construction.



A friend of mine argues that the RSAUM, and the WSM brass are constructed stronger to mach a higher PSI standard. My understanding was that this higher PSI standard had more to do with the modern rifles these cartridges was chambered fore, and not as much the brass in it self. If I am wrong maybe one of you could explain how this specific strengthened brass construction is done.
The brass in it self is “a soft” material, and from my experience our Lapua, and Norma brass can, in general, take just as, or higher pressure than the usual American brass despite that the Scandinavian brass has a lower weight.

I tried to cheek the Remington, and Winchester web pages and was surprised that I could find absolutely nothing about this at all. In the Remington web page,I could not find anyting about brass or ammunition. Strange I think...
Mr. Bresk, what about you Google,,,, Varmint Al's Eclectic Web Pages?

I used to read an old time "expert" who warned to not load various calibers to pressures that were too high because the case was only designed for a much lower pressure. For example the .30-30 shouldn't be loaded to 50 kpsi because it's only loaded to ~40 kpsi at the factory - no matter what the rifle is capable of. How does one then explain .219 Don Wasps made from .30-30 cases which are (were?) loaded to high pressures - well over 50 kpsi. The same with the .222 Rem, .257 Rob'ts, .250-3000 loaded to SAAMI pressures. Some cases are heavier and softer than others, some are light and hard. Anyone who's ever loaded for a .257 or 7x57 with Win/WW cases and RP/Rem cases knows that the lighter harder Win cases will allow higher powder charges and velocities than the heavier softer RP cases.

The case manufacturers will only tell you that there's is the best, but not how they came to believe that statement. Harder is better than softer (at the head anyway), lighter is better than heavier (more powder capacity potentially), so light hard cases are in general capable of higher velocities and better life along with equal accuracy if everything else is equal.
Brass construction

Bresk, I would tend to agree with your friend. While I could find no certain specifics as to the case construction, I do know that for a handgun that is designated +P such as 45ACP +P, and 38 Super +P the brass is stated to have a much thicker web and head thereby allowing the higher pressures without case head seperation or web failure. I have added a photo of a 308, 300 RSAUM, and 3006. The area of the pointer is the web area and as you can see it is noticeibly heavier.

Hope this helps


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Mr. Bresk, would you believe, that Varmint Al ,,,,,Links to Reloading, Annealing brass danger can possibly tell you what you're looking for?
