River Bend gun Club (Georgia) Fall Classic Tournament

Jim Andress

River Bend Gun Club
The River Bend Gun Club will host it's annual Fall Classic Benchrest tournament on November 12-13 2011. This is an NBRSA registered event and will contest the light and heavy varmint classes at both 100 and 200 yards.

Plenty of RV parking, with covered loading area adjacent to firing line. The weather should be magnificent, so plan on attending.

Contact: Jim Andress 770-876-2351 jim@precisionrifles.co

Location: 588 River Bend Gun Club Rd. Dawsonville GA 30534

GPS: 34.33746 N 84.24482 W

Club Phone: 770-893-3502

Club Website: http://www.rbgc.org
See you there. Do I need to bring my tool belt this year? ;-)

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how late do you guys think you'll shoot sunday?
gotta work monday morning..
Sure wish I could be there. found out that a promotion at work means less time off. :( What a trade-off. I might fire myself. ;)

Matthew S Keller
Can you guys tell me about how long the gate stays open after the code is punched in? i.e. do I have time to get back in the camper and move through before it closes?
Sorta surprised we're keeping the gate closed on this particular week. There's few workarounds in case. There is a call box at the gate reader, chances are decent that someone will be around the other end. In addition, there should be a fair amount of traffic this week. Or, like what happened to me a month or so back when I had forgotten my entry card and tried to get in mid-week. Luckily, I was carrying my bicycle on the back on my car so I just rode that up to the club office. On the slim off chance that you don't have a bike, there is no traffic and the office is uninhabited, it's only a few hundred yards to the range we'll be shooting.
Sorta surprised we're keeping the gate closed on this particular week.

On the slim off chance that you don't have a bike, there is no traffic and the office is uninhabited, it's only a few hundred yards to the range we'll be shooting.

Thanks for the reply Tom but who carries a bike to a benchrest shoot??

I ask again, about how long does this automatic gate stay open each time it is activated???
so i hear Mr. Greg King shot a possible world record today @ 100 yrds heavy gun....

good shooting Mr. King ..
New record??

Terry Leonards and Greg Kings HV Grand targets just got pulled for a world record measurement. Their range aggs are quite a bit under the existing record.