Replacement mirrors for borescope


Club Coordinator
In the ten years I've owned my borescope I have chipped two mirrors. Seems like I remember a replacement mirror that was polished metal of some sort. Am I imagining this or is there such an animal? I hate to pay nearly $100 for such a small piece of mirror but will if there are no alternatives. Does anybody know of another solution?
I saw the same post a couple of years back but I have never seen the mirror listed for sale. It sounded like a great idea at the time but maybe he put a pencil to it and it didn't look so good.

Mike Swartz
About 3 or 4 years ago Jerry Stiller posted that he'd replaced his own with a stainless steel one he'd made, and that he was considering making them for sale. I waited a while and emailed him about it; his reply was that he hadn't done anything further with them.

I'd like to see him make the mirror available...........mine is ugly and I'd like to replace it with a more durable one.

I posted a question on thread to a guy that may be able to steer you in the right direction. Hopefully he'll chime in here. He has very good knowledge of mirrors and telescopes etc, and may have a source. He posts under his name so I don't think he would mind me posting it here. Mr. Fred Bohl

good luck

I posted a question on thread to a guy that may be able to steer you in the right direction. Hopefully he'll chime in here. He has very good knowledge of mirrors and telescopes etc, and may have a source. He posts under his name so I don't think he would mind me posting it here. Mr. Fred Bohl

good luck

Thanks, Hovis. I've sent it to Gradient Lens for repair but I'm really interested in more options.
Supposedly, the new mirror that they install is of a better and longer lasting material. I think the scopes with the green eye piece have them. Lester had a couple of them at the Super Shoot but they were the expensive set so I didn't get one. Might ask them if you get a chance.

I owned a Hawkeye for about 2 weeks. Got scared when I read some horror stories about the unprotected first surface mirror. Went on Ebay and purchased a Lennox with variable light source (110v), two probes and both are enclosed. It cost me about $625, IIRC.
The price listed on the Hawkeye (Gradient Lens) webpage is $85 to have them replace the mirror see

I don't see how to beat that price as a "do-it-yourself" project unless your time is worth much less than nothing.

Sorry Hovis but I don't have cheap cure up my sleeve for this one. I've had two Hawkeye borescopes for quite a while and have not yet damaged one.
Mickey grab your cheeks..

There are mirrors available from several medical suppliers. The supplier that service vets (amimals not or service men and women) are cheaper than the ones they supply to human doctors. For those others get your minds out of the gutter. I saw one of these suppliers at the last couple of gun shows, he had an asortment of endoscopic mirrors some as low as $15.00.

Supposedly, the new mirror that they install is of a better and longer lasting material. I think the scopes with the green eye piece have them. Lester had a couple of them at the Super Shoot but they were the expensive set so I didn't get one. Might ask them if you get a chance.

They told me the mirrors they use now are the 'New and Improved' mirrors. Just what that means is anybody's guess.

There are a couple of tiny 'O' rings that act as spacers to keep the eyepiece tube from hitting the mirror but mine only had one and you can bump the mirror and they are easily chipped. In 10+ years I've only chipped two so that's not too bad for a clumsy guy.

I had still rather pay them the $85 than to buy a replacement for $15 and then have to install it myself. I can see it slipping from my fingers and hitting my shop floor and then having to order another........and so on. Not to mention getting super glue on the surface while trying to put it in the tube.