Removing cosmoline from new Savage rifle?


I've noticed there is quite a bit of the dark brown color on the metal and was wondering how most of you remove it without, taking the gun completly apart? Thanks for all suggestions! :)

P -

Howdy !

I encountered a similar gunk on my ( then new ) Marlin M336 XLR .3e5 Remington, especially inside the action.

I used an aerosol brake cleaner.

Also belleve laquer thinner would work, nut I myself can't abide the smell. Acetone

Other rather abusive chemicals that would work fer sher are " Methylethylketone " and " Methylpropylketone "

*** Clean the metal independent of the stock / scope et al. And, be sure to keep the solvent(s) off your person, nez pah ?! ***

With regards,
Thanks for the tips, I'll try that and then see if I can blow most of the residue out of trigger/action with my air compressor before I lube everything. :)
All that will do for the most part is push the crud into places you do not want it.

Use the solvent of your choice.
You are going to need to take everything down anyway.

Storage oils are NOT lubricants.
They are designed to prevent rust in storage.

Deodorized paint thinner works very well.
If you collect the contaminated paint thinner you can put it aside in a glass jar and let it sit.
Most of the time the material you removed will separate in the jar and you can pour off the clean portion
for future use.
The rifle must be disassembled.... this is not negotiable.

I agree that blowing and squirting are verboten.

I suggest Hoppes #9 cuz it's sexy.

If needed, mineral spirits.

Then re-oil, NOT the trigger.

Put some Kroil somewhere's just for ambiance.........


The rifle must be disassembled.... this is not negotiable.

I agree that blowing and squirting are verboten.

I suggest Hoppes #9 cuz it's sexy.

If needed, mineral spirits.

Then re-oil, NOT the trigger.

Put some Kroil somewhere's just for ambiance.........



Kroil works very well when a light lubricant is needed.
Like triggers.
I've noticed there is quite a bit of the dark brown color on the metal and was wondering how most of you remove it without, taking the gun completly apart? Thanks for all suggestions! :)

I bought a new Savage 12FV last Fall and know the residue you're speaking of. It's not cosmoline,'s a waxy semi hardening glopyfornification (technical term). ;)

First off, it has to come's only a couple of screws. That goo was everywhere on mine. You certainly don't need to take the trigger off the receiver but you do need to spray the trigger thoroughly with a solvent like CRC Brake Kleen, then flush it with lighter fluid. On the receiver and other metal, a green Scotch Brite pad soaked in mineral spirits or camp stove fuel does a nice job. When it's clean, dry it off then warm the receiver up with a hair dryer and apply a bit of Kroil or Marvel Mystery Oil to the receiver. Let it sit over night and then drop the barrelled action back into the stock. The inside of the bolt on mine was a filthy mess with small metal shavings mixed in with the mess. The firing pin assy comes out easily on those and get after the inside of the bolts and the pin assy with the Brake Kleen, then just a light squirt of lighter fluid on the pin assy and it can go back together.

Good shootin' -Al
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The rifle must be disassembled.... this is not negotiable.

I agree that blowing and squirting are verboten.

I suggest Hoppes #9 cuz it's sexy.

If needed, mineral spirits.

Then re-oil, NOT the trigger.

Put some Kroil somewhere's just for ambiance.........



Hoppes #9 that chit STINKS. I wouldn't use it. Ronsonol will work. You can use it on a cloth or Kleenex to wipe the obvious outer surfaces like the barrel. You can get small cans at WalMart and maybe bulk as well. Also Coleman camp stove/lantern fuel or even kerosene. I think you can also get both at Walmart. Go to eBay or Amazon and get yourself some of these wash bottles. Clamp your gun in a padded vise [even cardboard works] and use a coffee can as a catch basin and rinse away. You can do a final rinse of the trigger assembly. Also position the trigger so that NOTHING flows into it.

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I never thought it was THAT great as a cleaner. I don't miss the smell. I surely wouldn't use it as any kind of wash solvent. Being a chemist I know that there are better choices.

particulaerly since the new formulation. #9 was the go to stuff for grenerations, for me the scent brings back many memories.