Remington 700 mag extractor


Today one of my customers brought me a brand new 7mm mag Remington 700 with an extractor problem. The rifle would not extract a chambered round.When I looked at the boltface the lip on the extractor was setting to deep in the groove, thus it won't grab the rim of the case. I figured it must have gotten bent when it was installed at the factory. No problem right?

Here's the problem, I replaced it with a new extractor, Same problem, and No I didn't bend it while installing it.
It looks like the extractor groove is cut too deep. Does anyone know how deep the groove is supposed to be? The only mag face bolts I have in the shop are Dave Kiff's and they don't have a factory Remington extractor.

I have worked on 700's for 20 years and never seen this before.

I saw one act exactly like this a couple of years back, a stainless Sendero in .264 Mag. My buddy called the factory and (so he told me) they said, oops, they had mistakenly installed a bolt for the .300 RUM. Now I don't know why they should use different bolts, or even if they do, but that's what I was told. I never called Remington myself to confirm this.

Instead, we installed a new PTG bolt, cut 7 threads off the barrel and made it a 6.5 Rem Mag, which has worked perfectly since. I think he was looking for an excuse to use a PTG bolt anyway, but this was just a single case.

My suggestion is, since the gun's brand new, give Remington a call and let them sort it out. I've worked on Remington's for a long time too,and this is the only one like this I've ever seen as well... But obviously they are out there...