REMINDER!!! The David Reynolds Memorial (200 yard Southeastern Regionals)


Club Coordinator
are October 8-9 at Rachel's Glen. We will have BBQ sandwiches, chips and drinks for lunch if you need them. Try to attend if possible. Same ol' crew running the show so you'll have a good time........unless Brady sings.
You know I'll be there Mickey. Since we need to combine this shoot with the Rockingham 100 yard stage I need to coordinate with you on getting the shoot set up in Bughole. Planning to be there Thursday afternoon before the shoot.
You know I'll be there Mickey. Since we need to combine this shoot with the Rockingham 100 yard stage I need to coordinate with you on getting the shoot set up in Bughole. Planning to be there Thursday afternoon before the shoot.

You know that you can have run of the place to do your magic, O Swami :)
I love to hear the old fart sing. I will be there with bells on.
I must remind Bart and Billy about Brady sinking all those long putts when Brady and I "SPANKED" them at golf...
This is always a very fun three or four days for me. Cant wait to see everone.

Scotty, Don't count Jamie and me out, if ya'll keep giving us those ten footers and all the other little perks, we'll be in the mix. I just found out Jamie is going to get to go, which made my day, we'll cook up some Boston butts and some more of those hot meat balls for Thursday nights finger food. We'll cook more this time, a 100 meat balls ain't near enough, hmmm, or following the Brady school of cooking, add more cayenne.

Im all smiles to hear you and Jamie will be there. Im sure we will play a round or two of golf. I cant wait ...

Hey Mickey,

Norman Jones (Papaw), Dalton Jones, and I will not be arriving until Friday at about 8pm. We wanted to let you know in the case that you wanted to draw our benchs so that we may get set-up Friday night. Lookin' forward to comin' down!

Matthew S Keller
Hey Jer,

I got ahold of Mickey and got it taken care of. :) Thanks for the offer tho! Lookin' forward to coming down there. Hope it's warmer there! It's gettin' down in the 30s here. October hits and BOOM instant cold-weather.
good luck guys!

i am headed the other way -to the high country where 30 will be average. at least i hope it is-last yr we had zero for 3 days!