Redwoods Airgun Club USARB match results for Sept 09, 2017



Sept 09, 2017
Relay 1
Dick Strever TBR .177LV248 13X248 11X249 14X745 38X
Barbara-Rodriguez RAW BM 500 .177LV249 8X246 4X249 12X744 24X
Tony Farcello Styre LG100 .177LV245 2X247 8X245 6X737 16X
Steve Ware RAW TM1000HV244 7X247 6X245 5X736 18X
Relay 2
Barbara-Rodriguez RAW BM 500 .177LV246 7X244 7X248 10X738 24X
Dick Strever TBR .177HV249 17X249 10X249 13X747 40X
Steve Ware RAW TM1000HV247 8X249 11X247 6X743 25X
Tony Farcello FWB-P70 .177HV245 4XDNFDNF245 4X
We were expecting bad smoke from all the fires nearby but got lucky and had an overcast cool morning getting cooler as we shot. The winds were mild and unexpected as usual, some of the flags pointed in opposite directions next to each other. Barbara shot very well for her 2nd time shooting light varmint. Tony had problems with his P70 and was unable to finish. Another fun shoot with friends from Grants Pass