Redwoods Airgun Club Sept 10 USARB Results


September 10, 2016
Relay 1
Tony FarcelloStyre LG100 .177LV243 11X232 5X245 8X721 24X
Dick StreverThomas .177HV250 12X250 13X249 15X749 40X
Ed BaroneUSFT .177HV244 6X246 9X248 14X738 29X
Relay 2
Dick StreverThomas .177LV249 11X247 10X246 10X742 29X
Tony FarcelloRAW TM1000 .177HV247 9X240 8X244 8X731 25X
Ed BaroneUSFT .177HV245 1X238 4X204 3X687 8X
We had a new shooter (Ed) join us today
he had heard Tony & i talking about how much fun we were having shooting pellets
he has been a fire arms shooter for years and wanted to see what we were up to
he says he had a lot of fun and just may want to do some more
light winds but steady for first relay with light winds switching and sun glare for 2nd relay

edited for verified correct X count
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