Record setting rifle stolen--help

Whenever I travel with an expensive Benchrest rifle I make it a priority of bringing it into my hotel or motel room along with my other luggage. Hope they're found. Good luck.
Whenever I travel with an expensive Benchrest rifle I make it a priority of bringing it into my hotel or motel room along with my other luggage. Hope they're found. Good luck.

What do you do with your expensive Benchrest Rifle when you stop at a Restaurant for lunch or dinner or when you stop at a gas station? It takes less than a minute for a thief to grab your valuables from your locked vehicle. Millions of dollars in personal property is stolen from locked vehicles around the world each year. The only way to prevent property theft from vehicles is to carry a bad ass Canine with you and leave him in the car when you exit.

Nothing worse than a scum sucking thief. I hope the gentleman gets his stuff back.

Sorry to hear this

I had a 30/47 Hunter rifle stolen from my garage in Nov 1996. Luckily I had pictures and my home insurance settled for the full replacement price of the rifle that I ordered from Speedy Gonzoles. I think the thief probably hocked the scope and threw the rifle away since it would be hard to sell to a pawn shop since one could not buy ammo for it.

Hope he has good insurance.

Watch Craigslist also!
The link above will search all Craigslist cities at once, the only problem would be guessing the keywords to search for.

I’d also be checking road ditches, drainage tubes and under bridges close to the crime scene.
Our shop was broken into years ago and anything that looked like it would be hard to sell they tossed in a road ditch just a couple of miles outside of town.
Good Luck
Kill switch

What do you do with your expensive Benchrest Rifle when you stop at a Restaurant for lunch or dinner or when you stop at a gas station? It takes less than a minute for a thief to grab your valuables from your locked vehicle. Glenn

Although my landcruiser is of 91/92 vintage I have a kill switch connected to the ignition system. It is located in an awkward and unusual place in the vehicle. You would have to know what the problem is in order to bypass it and have the necessary gear to do so if you want to drive the vehicle away. I also keep the rifle bolt in my pocket. Not a fail safe system by any means but a real pain in the ass if your a thief. Newer vehicles can have systems like this activated by mobile phones and even gps tracking systems.
"Kill Switch"

Although my landcruiser is of 91/92 vintage I have a kill switch connected to the ignition system. It is located in an awkward and unusual place in the vehicle. You would have to know what the problem is in order to bypass it and have the necessary gear to do so if you want to drive the vehicle away. I also keep the rifle bolt in my pocket. Not a fail safe system by any means but a real pain in the ass if your a thief. Newer vehicles can have systems like this activated by mobile phones and even gps tracking systems.

A Kill Switch will not prevent theft of property from a parked and locked vehicle. If possible,Its best to park your vehicle where you can constantly keep an eye on it. Or leave Rover in charge while you make a pit stop.

The vehicle not the contents

A Kill Switch will not prevent theft of property from a parked and locked vehicle. If possible,Its best to park your vehicle where you can constantly keep an eye on it. Or leave Rover in charge while you make a pit stop.


Yep your right the kill switch just makes it more difficult to steal the vehicle. Perhaps they change their mind and go for an easier one. But the contents can be taken by anyone any time they want to. Keeping the vehicle in sight simply means you can watch the events unfold. I wouldn't chance confronting them because you might just find you die. I'd just call the cops to let them know the robery is in progress. If they are interested enough they might even send someone. Hell they might even catch them for all the good that will do and then call your insurance company.
If everyone takes your approach to just stand by and then call the insurance company, the bad guys will keep steeling them.

You are in the great position of being able to shoot them dead since they are armed. Do it and maybe they will decide the risk outweighs the take. I can't imagine standing by while crooks take ANYTHING from my vehicle much less a custom rifle built for ME.

Yep your right the kill switch just makes it more difficult to steal the vehicle. Perhaps they change their mind and go for an easier one. But the contents can be taken by anyone any time they want to. Keeping the vehicle in sight simply means you can watch the events unfold. I wouldn't chance confronting them because you might just find you die. I'd just call the cops to let them know the robery is in progress. If they are interested enough they might even send someone. Hell they might even catch them for all the good that will do and then call your insurance company.
missing bolt

I like to keep the bolt seperate from the gun.
I also ship the bolt seperate,if I'm shipping a gun.
Two replys in one

In response to Relodr I do keep the bolt separate from the rifle usually in my pocket.

In response to Randy. I don't know how the US criminal law works but if you were to kill a thief for breaking into your car in Oz even if they were armed you would see the inside of a jail cell. I don't think I would like that much. But even if you managed to avoid that your days of having a firearm licence would come to an end.
In response to Relodr I do keep the bolt separate from the rifle usually in my pocket.

In response to Randy. I don't know how the US criminal law works but if you were to kill a thief for breaking into your car in Oz even if they were armed you would see the inside of a jail cell. I don't think I would like that much. But even if you managed to avoid that your days of having a firearm licence would come to an end.

Depends on which state you're in. In some the thief could be shot out of hand and there'd be no charges, in others they expect property owners to act like little girls and run away screeching. If he were armed though a good case for self defense could likely be made after spending huge piles of money for lawyers.

The ideas of a dog in the car, and/or parking where an eye can be kept on the vehicle at all time are good. Unfortunately some locales have the notion that if your dog bites someone, even a robber, and is otherwise a sweetheart it is considered a "vicious animal" and will be destroyed. Then the bad guy will likely sue you for keeping a vicious animal that bit him and prevented him from earning his living (robbing people!).
QC Advice

Depends on which state you're in. In some the thief could be shot out of hand and there'd be no charges, in others they expect property owners to act like little girls and run away screeching. If he were armed though a good case for self defense could likely be made after spending huge piles of money for lawyers.

The ideas of a dog in the car, and/or parking where an eye can be kept on the vehicle at all time are good. Unfortunately some locales have the notion that if your dog bites someone, even a robber, and is otherwise a sweetheart it is considered a "vicious animal" and will be destroyed. Then the bad guy will likely sue you for keeping a vicious animal that bit him and prevented him from earning his living (robbing people!).

Before posting that reply I asked a friend of my mothers who is a queens councillor. The fact the person being robbed was armed with intent of using said weapon and then killed someone would put you on the back foot in virtually all states in Oz. His advice is don't do it. The case would be very difficult to win.
Good luck

A few months ago there was a picture of an old bench gun on this forum. The fellow wanted to get info on what he had. I stated it could be one of the 50+ Taylor & Robbins guns stolen two weeks earlier. A half hour went by and when I went back to the thread to get info for the detective it had been deleated so completely it made my head spin.Usually a deleated thread is around for a while saying it has been deleated and by who. Like I said good luck.
I think the thief probably hocked the scope and threw the rifle away since it would be hard to sell to a pawn shop since one could not buy ammo for it.

I doubt there are many thieves out there that would know 30x47 ammo cannot be bought at hardware store.