Recommend me some eye protection

josh shrum

New member
Working on getting everything squared away to start benchrest shooting and I need some advice on shooting glasses.

I have been using Oakley glasses for years for shooting, and had no idea how inadequate they were until I put on a pair of Decot Hy-Wyds...
Literal world of difference.

So I am looking into getting some quality shooting glasses, and the Decot Hy-Wyds are on the list. What other glasses should I consider? Are Trivex lenses worth the cost over polycarb? Any other advice?

No prescription lenses needed (yet).


L&M Lens {} Great people to deal with.

If you hunt or shoot trap pilla high def glasses cant be beat.
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Strongly consider Decot. They have been selling eyewear to shooters for decades.

Since you don't need optical assistance get them to advise you as to color. For example, if you are just shooting claybirds there are shades of the yellow/oranges that enhance target visibility. Paper punching, like benchresters and bullseye shooters do, just clear lenses are best.

The main consideration in shooting eye protection is something between your eyes and a mishap of the firearm so go with a polycarbonate material or similar.

Next time you go to your drive-up bank teller window, look in the bottom corner of the "glass" it most likely will say "GE Lexan". GE Lexan was the first of the 'bullet proof" plastics, introduced in the '70's or there abouts. Half inch thick Lexan will stop a 30/06 BULLET. One sixteenth Lexan will turn a HV 22 cal. Your first consideration in eye protection when shooting is the lens material. Your classy Oakleys, while looking cool and being overpriced, is not necessarily the best protection.

Your classy Oakleys, while looking cool and being overpriced, is not necessarily the best protection.


While I always made sure to purchase the ones that were rated ANSI Z87 (I could use my PPE stipend on them) I had no idea that they reduced the clarity of what I was seeing by so much. I am leaning towards the Decots, but wanted to explore other options out there.

Thanks all for the input.
Go with TRIVEX. Definitely worth the extra cost. Clarity is much better than poly carbonate and weight is much less. I have been wearing glasses since I was 6 years old (near sighted). Since I have discovered TRIVEX, I will not use anything else for lenses. I wear bifocals, but my regular shooting glasses are distance only in yellow. I am going to get a second set that will focus on at front sight distance for Cowboy Action rifle and revolver. I also have a set of glasses optimized for computer screen distance and other close work. When I want to see something really close up, I just take my glasses off. What a pain.
Guess I am in the minority here but have tried many shooting glasses and always go back to Oakley's, perhaps you need to try a different style ???
Wore Oakley glasses for many years but they became cost prohibitive. About 4 years ago I began using ESS and haven't looked back.

I am rather picky with regards to clarity, and to me, the ESS are quite good in that respect.

With that said, I do plan to try the Trivex product next.
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I found a pair of Zeiss shooting frames on Ebay & had lenses fitted. As I have post-cataract replacement lenses, I have a plano lens for my off eye & one correcting my astigmatism for my shooting eye.

I haven't seen anything else that covers from the top of my eyebrow to my cheek bone.
I also thought about how to buy yourself points for shooting, because I like to shoot with my favorite gun in my spare time .. but I want to take something good and not expensive, but health is more important
Keep in mind that the lens material and the disaster protection it offers is much more important than clarity and cool,

I started with Decots, switched to Post4 when I finally needed RX lenses for Skeet, but stayed with the Decots when using a scope and adjusting for focus with the scope. Now I have also decided to go back to Decots for my RX lenses too. I like how big and secure the Decots are.

Im a wiley x kinda guy. Got a whole pile of em even some mirror tinted polarized prescription and some transitions.