Rebating BR-case rims

Does anyone sell

a form tool for this operation? I have done a bunch of them with a borrowed tool but had to place a bond with the friend who loaned it to me and he ignored my request to grind one for me :(
I second what Pete said...

The tool is the hardest part...unless you have a tool and die shop and a 50x comparitor..:(
Thank you all.

I don't currently have a lathe. I've considered three options and would appreciate your input:

1. Purchase a mini lathe.
2. Purchase a purpose-built power tool for neck turning. You guys know what I'm talking about. Wondering if the form tool can be adapted to it.
3. Buy the cases from Ron Hoehn and pay him extra (if he'll do it) to rebate the rims.

Can someone tell me more about the form tool?

Edit: I have a RB/LP/RE Grizzly II. Was wondering if someone would be willing to mail me a 30BR case with a rebated rim so that I could see if it will eject.

Greg J.
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My experience so far

Thank you all.

I don't currently have a lathe. I've considered three options and would appreciate your input:

1. Purchase a mini lathe.
2. Purchase a purpose-built power tool for neck turning. You guys know what I'm talking about. Wondering if the form tool can be adapted to it.
3. Buy the cases from Ron Hoehn and pay him extra (if he'll do it) to rebate the rims.

Can someone tell me more about the form tool?

Greg J.

I bought a micro-mini lathe last year adn while it is quite nice it lacks the refinements necessary to do good work. The lead screws in it are severely lacking and has no power feeds among other things. It is lite enough to lift around easily but is very limited . It did not come with a live center or chuck for the tail stock. A larger one would be better but I looked at what Harbor Freight offered in their showroom in Sout Carolina and was severely un-impressed. The next bigger size is too heavy to be portable easily.

I rebated some BR cases in my Mini and it did not much care for the plunge cut one needs to make in the cases.

I have a gear motor case turning lathe assembled by a friend and don't see that it could be used to rebate cases but I could be wrong. I guess given your options I would GLADLY pay someone to do mine if I didn't have a lathe. I am going to try to have a tool ground at a near by tool grinding shop. If I am able to get one I will continue to rebate myself. A much easier solution is to have the bolt face opened up. A SAKO extractor will pull .308 case heads if it is installed properly.
I bought a micro-mini lathe last year adn while it is quite nice it lacks the refinements necessary to do good work. The lead screws in it are severely lacking and has no power feeds among other things. It is lite enough to lift around easily but is very limited . It did not come with a live center or chuck for the tail stock. A larger one would be better but I looked at what Harbor Freight offered in their showroom in Sout Carolina and was severely un-impressed. The next bigger size is too heavy to be portable easily.

I rebated some BR cases in my Mini and it did not much care for the plunge cut one needs to make in the cases.

I have a gear motor case turning lathe assembled by a friend and don't see that it could be used to rebate cases but I could be wrong. I guess given your options I would GLADLY pay someone to do mine if I didn't have a lathe. I am going to try to have a tool ground at a near by tool grinding shop. If I am able to get one I will continue to rebate myself.
Thank you for the input. I don't need it to be easily portable, but don't want to invest a ton of money, either.

A much easier solution is to have the bolt face opened up. A SAKO extractor will pull .308 case heads if it is installed properly.
I've got that question into the Kelbly folks right now. I need them to look at it anyway because about 70% of my cases get the very lip of the case neck dinged on eject. The ding is minor and easily removed with my chamfer tool, but it's annoying.
I see this too

Thank you for the input. I don't need it to be easily portable, but don't want to invest a ton of money, either.

I've got that question into the Kelbly folks right now. I need them to look at it anyway because about 70% of my cases get the very lip of the case neck dinged on eject. The ding is minor and easily removed with my chamfer tool, but it's annoying.

but not all of my cases get dinged and I simply expand them back out when I see them and keep going. The brass is resilient with regard to small stuff like this. I am assuming a flat spot vs an actual ding in the case neck?
A contact

SG I offer a source for your tooling need.
Send a drawing to Missouri Tool Co. Fenton, MO. 63026
Give them dimensions, tolerances, and type of material.
They will send you a quote. They do this daily.
Centerfire :)
Just got an answer back from Kelblys. It says that I have to live with the dings, but that the bolt face can be modified. Woo hoo!

Greg J.
You might try a lighter ejector spring to cut down on the dings.
This is a pic of my form tool.

Below is a pic of a Remington BR case without flash hole, a regular BR case, A rebated case, and a BR case rebated to 223 size.Before you form an opinion on the 223, Red Cornelison shot these for years without a problem.

This is a pic of my form tool.

Below is a pic of a Remington BR case without flash hole, a regular BR case, A rebated case, and a BR case rebated to 223 size.Before you form an opinion on the 223, Red Cornelison shot these for years without a problem.


Butch,they work just fine,i have rebated rims on 6mm ackley,.243 and 6.5x57AI to fit ppc bolt faces and .222 bolt face and have not had a problem.
I grind my tool to fit.
JMHO, but if you are going to rebate your own cases you should have the ability to grind your own tools. Otherwise you should be paying someone else to do the work for you.

If you shop around you should be able to find a small lathe, such as a 6"Atlas, for only a few bucks. I bought one about 5 years ago, like new, for less than $100. You don't need a lot of tooling - a chuck, a tool post, and tool holder will let you do all the rebating and neck turning. I mounted mine on a piece of 3/4" plywood and it stores under a work bench and can be hauled out in minutes.

Ray Wayne Shaw in Stephens City, VA...He did mine for me..
You will have to pay for the work, but they turnout great...give Wayne a call.:)
I may have found a source

I had some work done at a shop that does tool grinding and asked him today if he could and would make some of these tools. He said he could and would but would need to give me a price. He asked me how many and I told him perhaps 100? He got interested then! I'll keep ya posted.
Pete...put me on your list when you get a quote on the tool to rebate the BR rim...

Eddie in Texas
Bolt face

Have the bolt face changed. Of all the actions I made only 6 were ppc. a good fit on a .308 bolt face will work just fine on a ppc. Oh ya I ended up opening 2 of the 6.