RCBS had held neck turner w/mic, anyone try one?

Neck Turners

Case Neck Turners are amazingly simple, a fiitted arbor, a tool bit, and some means of turning the case, in this instance, by hand.

The fact is, any case neck turner, if used properly, will give good results. The case has to fit the arbor coorectly, and the tool has to be the correct distance from the arbor.

Most of the higher end turners are designed around making the operation more user friendly.

That RCBS Turner will turn necks, and give the desired results if used properly. But, as has been stated, there are a current turners on the market that are quite specialized in meeting the needs of the Extreme Accuracy Crowd.

If cost is the only perameter, the RCBS will do. If you have a little extra in the piigy bank, go with something a little more sophisticated..........jackie
Hi Jackie,
After a little digging around on the net I found a great article by YOU.
Turning necks on a lathe.
I guises I found something more "sophisticated"
My 11" Rockwell lathe in the basement.
Do you have any other articles out (or recommendation) for lathe set up for barreling work turning/threading/cambering ect. ?

A while back, I did a complete barrel job, (my own method) complete with pictures, that was posted on this web site.

Gary Walters did the post, search under his name and barrel job by Jackie, something will come up.........jackie