I just got off the phone with Don Legg at RCBS. Really impressed with the service at RCBS and Don Leggs knowledge and enthusiasm for this particular product
I thought it would be helpful to recap prior posts and add what I learned today
The RCBS chargemaster has 4 speeds. High, medium, slow and trickle.
It transitions from high to medium at 15.68 grains away from the target weight
It transitions from medium to slow at 3.42 grains away from the target weight
It transitions from slow to trickle at 1.08 grains away from the target weight
You can play with the speeds to get a faster throw. The risk of cutting the transitions too close is that the machine will over shoot and over throw.
Recap from prior posts is below. The below is what I use and definately speeds up the throws.
Reprogram Parameters:
Press edit/mem and Enter @ same time
will say Adjust Parameters
scroll to Fast -Med Transition and set to 11.00
Med-Slow Transition and set to 2.50
Slow-trickle Transition and set to .8
Factory settings are 15.68 - 3.42 - 1.08 to reset to original factory settings.
1) Make sure the unit is perfectly level front to rear. Some ChargeMasters, particularly the early-production units, are sensitive to front/rear leveling.
2) Don't leave the power cord coiled up in a loop; this can cause a magnetic field that can affect read-outs.
Activating the Auto-Dispense Mode
You can set the ChargeMaster to automatically dispense your pre-programmed charge as soon as you put the pan back on the scale. Simply press and hold the “Enter” button. The code “Auto” should then appear on the display. At this point, push “Disp” to dispense the first charge. When you replace the pan, the unit will automatically dispense the same charge. For some people this is an added convenience. You can always go back to the default manual dispense method by changing the dispense mode using the “Enter” button again.
I thought it would be helpful to recap prior posts and add what I learned today
The RCBS chargemaster has 4 speeds. High, medium, slow and trickle.
It transitions from high to medium at 15.68 grains away from the target weight
It transitions from medium to slow at 3.42 grains away from the target weight
It transitions from slow to trickle at 1.08 grains away from the target weight
You can play with the speeds to get a faster throw. The risk of cutting the transitions too close is that the machine will over shoot and over throw.
Recap from prior posts is below. The below is what I use and definately speeds up the throws.
Reprogram Parameters:
Press edit/mem and Enter @ same time
will say Adjust Parameters
scroll to Fast -Med Transition and set to 11.00
Med-Slow Transition and set to 2.50
Slow-trickle Transition and set to .8
Factory settings are 15.68 - 3.42 - 1.08 to reset to original factory settings.
1) Make sure the unit is perfectly level front to rear. Some ChargeMasters, particularly the early-production units, are sensitive to front/rear leveling.
2) Don't leave the power cord coiled up in a loop; this can cause a magnetic field that can affect read-outs.
Activating the Auto-Dispense Mode
You can set the ChargeMaster to automatically dispense your pre-programmed charge as soon as you put the pan back on the scale. Simply press and hold the “Enter” button. The code “Auto” should then appear on the display. At this point, push “Disp” to dispense the first charge. When you replace the pan, the unit will automatically dispense the same charge. For some people this is an added convenience. You can always go back to the default manual dispense method by changing the dispense mode using the “Enter” button again.