RAW Crushes All Previous Club Records.....



This weekend saw a hole New Level of performance... All Due to the NEW Rapid Air Weapons Bench Rest Guns...these are for sure going to set the New Standards in Performance and Value. Best yet..Made in the Good old U.S.A..

The shooters at our club for the most part are new compared to the seasoned veterans in this sport. Granted, Airgun Bench Rest is pretty New.... but when you have a New shooter that shoots Her First 250 after only 3 matches... lets just says... it turns a few heads. Linda is not new to Shooting (started out a year ago). Here at Rio Solado we have an amazing about of Airgun related events every month and she takes advantage of All that is offered. Linda opted to shoot a BM500 (left Hand actions) with the New 177 Polygon Barrel... I think she was giving the rest of us a chance.. her targets were248 - 249 and then finishing with a 250-10x. In September Linda will be going to her first Nationals In Oxnard....We should keep an eye on this Lady...

The Next note worthy Performance was by Irwin, he is a dedicated shooter. Irwin just got his Upgraded BM500 with the New Indexable Polygon Barrel.. Yes.. Martin has come through again with an All new indexable barrel system to get every last ounce of performance needed for top level performance.... Irwin picked up his newly upgraded gun Memoral weekend and spent all 3 days in some secret location deep in the Mountains training for the Match:cool::cool::cool: He shot card #1 - 249 , Card #2 250, #3 249.. with a total of 748 - 47x.. that is just some great shooting.....

The top 6 places were all taken by RAW Heavy Varmint guns in 177. They all had the New Polygon Barrels. What is interesting to note, is that there are 3 different models that RAW makes..... There was the obvious BM500... but both Left Had and Right hand actions were used.. Ray H.. has one of the Only HM1000x's that has been converted to 177... and then there is Dave S.. he is shooting his Highly specialized Left Hand HM1000 in a Bench Rest stock....

Due to the Winds we have a Rio Solado our top scores are usually in the the High 730's with an occasional low 740. This weekend you had to score 740 or better just to be in the top 9 slots!!!! I am sure as our crew gains more experience they will over come that minor problem of reading the wind.....
From the scores this weekend its pretty obvious what is needed to place at the top in our club....

As for me .. I too shot a personal Best.... and I have to give all the credit to the New RAW Indexable Polygon Barrel system the Martin has developed to push the
sport to the next level....

Congratulations to all the shooters this weekend.....



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This weekend saw a hole New Level of performance... All Due to the NEW Rapid Air Weapons Bench Rest Guns...these are for sure going to set the New Standards in Performance and Value. Best yet..Made in the Good old U.S.A..

The shooters at our club for the most part are new compared to the seasoned veterans in this sport. Granted, Airgun Bench Rest is pretty New.... but when you have a New shooter that shoots Her First 250 after only 3 matches... lets just says... it turns a few heads. Linda is not new to Shooting (started out a year ago). Here at Rio Solado we have an amazing about of Airgun related events every month and she takes advantage of All that is offered. Linda opted to shoot a BM500 (left Hand actions) with the New 177 Polygon Barrel... I think she was giving the rest of us a chance.. her targets were248 - 249 and then finishing with a 250-10x. In September Linda will be going to her first Nationals In Oxnard....We should keep an eye on this Lady...

The Next note worthy Performance was by Irwin, he is a dedicated shooter. Irwin just got his Upgraded BM500 with the New Indexable Polygon Barrel.. Yes.. Martin has come through again with an All new indexable barrel system to get every last ounce of performance needed for top level performance.... Irwin picked up his newly upgraded gun Memoral weekend and spent all 3 days in some secret location deep in the Mountains training for the Match:cool::cool::cool: He shot card #1 - 249 , Card #2 250, #3 249.. with a total of 748 - 47x.. that is just some great shooting.....

The top 6 places were all taken by RAW Heavy Varmint guns in 177. They all had the New Polygon Barrels. What is interesting to note, is that there are 3 different models that RAW makes..... There was the obvious BM500... but both Left Had and Right hand actions were used.. Ray H.. has one of the Only HM1000x's that has been converted to 177... and then there is Dave S.. he is shooting his Highly specialized Left Hand HM1000 in a Bench Rest stock....

Due to the Winds we have a Rio Solado our top scores are usually in the the High 730's with an occasional low 740. This weekend you had to score 740 or better just to be in the top 9 slots!!!! I am sure as our crew gains more experience they will over come that minor problem of reading the wind.....
From the scores this weekend its pretty obvious what is needed to place at the top in our club....

As for me .. I too shot a personal Best.... and I have to give all the credit to the New RAW Indexable Polygon Barrel system the Martin has developed to push the
sport to the next level....

Congratulations to all the shooters this weekend.....

Congrats on your 749 and all the other Great scores. Let's give credit of indexable Rapid / Raw barrels to people that made them 8-10 years ago. Heck even LD Simple Simmon saw the advantage to be able to index barrels.
Dan Brown's spec LW Polygon barrels were tough to beat. Mike Niksch Polygon LW barrels worked from LV, HV, and Open.
So if your giving credit you should also give credit to Dan and Mike.
Now if you shot a 250 with a 12 fpe LV gun that would be impressive!

Hope to see you Joe's.
This weekend saw a hole New Level of performance... All Due to the NEW Rapid Air Weapons Bench Rest Guns...these are for sure going to set the New Standards in Performance and Value. Best yet..Made in the Good old U.S.A..

The shooters at our club for the most part are new compared to the seasoned veterans in this sport. Granted, Airgun Bench Rest is pretty New.... but when you have a New shooter that shoots Her First 250 after only 3 matches... lets just says... it turns a few heads. Linda is not new to Shooting (started out a year ago). Here at Rio Solado we have an amazing about of Airgun related events every month and she takes advantage of All that is offered. Linda opted to shoot a BM500 (left Hand actions) with the New 177 Polygon Barrel... I think she was giving the rest of us a chance.. her targets were248 - 249 and then finishing with a 250-10x. In September Linda will be going to her first Nationals In Oxnard....We should keep an eye on this Lady...

The Next note worthy Performance was by Irwin, he is a dedicated shooter. Irwin just got his Upgraded BM500 with the New Indexable Polygon Barrel.. Yes.. Martin has come through again with an All new indexable barrel system to get every last ounce of performance needed for top level performance.... Irwin picked up his newly upgraded gun Memoral weekend and spent all 3 days in some secret location deep in the Mountains training for the Match:cool::cool::cool: He shot card #1 - 249 , Card #2 250, #3 249.. with a total of 748 - 47x.. that is just some great shooting.....

The top 6 places were all taken by RAW Heavy Varmint guns in 177. They all had the New Polygon Barrels. What is interesting to note, is that there are 3 different models that RAW makes..... There was the obvious BM500... but both Left Had and Right hand actions were used.. Ray H.. has one of the Only HM1000x's that has been converted to 177... and then there is Dave S.. he is shooting his Highly specialized Left Hand HM1000 in a Bench Rest stock....

Due to the Winds we have a Rio Solado our top scores are usually in the the High 730's with an occasional low 740. This weekend you had to score 740 or better just to be in the top 9 slots!!!! I am sure as our crew gains more experience they will over come that minor problem of reading the wind.....
From the scores this weekend its pretty obvious what is needed to place at the top in our club....

As for me .. I too shot a personal Best.... and I have to give all the credit to the New RAW Indexable Polygon Barrel system the Martin has developed to push the
sport to the next level....

Congratulations to all the shooters this weekend.....

Congrats on your 749 and all the other Great scores. Let's give credit of indexable Rapid / Raw barrels to people that made them 8-10 years ago. Heck even LD Simple Simmon saw the advantage to be able to index barrels.
Dan Brown's spec LW Polygon barrels were tough to beat. Mike Niksch Polygon LW barrels worked from LV, HV, and Open.
So if your giving credit you should also give credit to Dan and Mike.
Now if you shot a 250 with a 12 fpe LV gun that would be impressive!

Hope to see you Joe's.
Now if you shot a 250 with a 12 fpe LV gun that would be impressive!

Hope to see you Joe's.

The last Australian Grand Prix featured some 250s in the LV (open range):
It blew, rained and even hailed during the HV.

LV (Only two cards shot): First qualifier for Slovenia.


From memory, 8 of the first 9 places were shot with RAW rifles (no polygon barrels that I know of). There are no Thomas rifles here yet.



Credit where credit is due

Paul... thanks for the reply....

I agree that credit should be given to those that contribute and achieve goals. The main reason for my post was to acknowledge the level of performance of both our local club and it members. For
some reason only certain products receive accolades of performance.

Once I have verified some facts I will be more then happy to respond to the reintroduction of Polygon barrels and varying twist rates. From what I know at the time of this post is that some of the early
EV-2's used poly barrels... and experimentation with different twist rates ( 1:18 to 1:78) and "Rounded Rifling" was done in the Early 90's if not before. JSB 13gr pellets...my oldest tin is from 2011..but
I am sure they have been around longer.

Additionally ... out of the top 6 places last weekend .. Only 2 guns had barrel indexing kits .. while the other 4 were "traditional" ported barrels... again.. more food for thought !! The only reason I know
this is I installed all the barrels and tuned the guns... so ... was it "Luck" or knowledge and skill of the shooter? Barrel indexing of centerfire and rimfire barrels has been around for a really long time..

I am new to world of air guns.. I am starting my 5th year... so there is a lot I don't know. The earliest record I can find of Airgun Bench Rest is 2008 and the World shoot in the US in 2011. So the sport
is very young and a lot is to be learned. But ... A lot has already been tried, I just takes a bit of research...

I look forward to seeing you at the USARB in September...

i want to welcome you to Benchrest Central and congratulate you on your score
nice shooting
will see you in Oxnard i hope
