Raton in August



Having never shot at Raton before, is there anything special I need to know. Like register early, changing loads, practice time, etc, just anything. Hoping to be there for the Aug 22-23 match.

For what it is worth, I shot Raton for the first time at the Memorial Day match (Best of the West). I enjoyed the shoot very much. I think the facilities and scenery are fantastic.

Regarding preparation for the August match, I suggest two things as follows:

1. If your schedule allows, arive early enough so you can get a full day of practice in on Friday. I always enjoy getting to a new range early so I can get familiar with the range, facilities and conditions.

2. At Raton you shoot uphill. If you are not used to that situation, you will need to get your front/rear rest set properly. Depending on the type of front rest you use, you may need to bring a low profile rear bag to avoid the need to raise your front rest significantly higher than normal. For a guy that calls Ben Avery home, it took some adjustment to my equipment and mind-set. Luckily, Tom Libby brought an extra low-profile bag that really helped. Without it, my gun was always trying to slide out the back.

I hope you have as good a time shooting Raton as I did. Jack and his guys do a great job. Here are a few photos that will help you get a feel for the place.





PS - One evening I recommend eating dinner at Black Jack's in Trinadad - good steaks.
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Something I noticed here

is the lovely rain gutter. Not all ranges have them but all of them should. ;)
I stopped by the Whittington Center last year on a trip out thru NMex, Tex, etc. Got there kind of late but did get to look over the facilities a bit. That is one long line of benches. Questions I have are....Do you have to pack all your stuff up each day and take it with you or can you just leave it in the loading buildings. What height flags do you need? Looks like light stands or music stands might be about right. Will probably stay in Raton in my 5th wheel RV and drive out each day. And do plan to get there a day early. Any other recommendations?
When I shoot there I usually leave my loading equipment set up at my table and take my pea shooters with me.
You may know there is RV parking at several places on the complex. One of those is right in front of the BR range.
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Yes, I know about the RV parking at the range. However.......the other half will be with me and she said she ain't settin' out there with them rattlesnakes for 3 days with no TV.....no matter what. So I will probbly have to stay in Raton. They have a KOA there. Since we can leave loading stuff on site I might be able to hitch a ride back and forth and leave the pickup with her. Got to keep the little lady happy. Gettin pretty good at it, been practicing for 54 years. Never thought I'd live that long much less be married that long. You just never know....Donald
My wife usually drops me off at the range in the morning and goes on a tour of New Mexico during the match.