Questions about BAT DS Action???


New member
:confused:I've built numerous rifles with Panda Actions but this is my first BAT.
I had the new BAT DS Dropped shipped to Scoville and it was glued into a Scoville Stock before I ever laid eyes on it a year later. The problem is" I can't do a good job of measuring boltface to action shoulder with the action glued into a stock. The BAT Barrel Tenon Dwg gives a range of headspace (1.073"/1.075") This is unlike the Panda Tenon Dwg which states headspace at 1.115". (All the Pandas I've measured have been between 1.115" and 1.117" so I can chamber a barrel with 1.115" Go Ga to Shoulder and It will come out at "Go" Ga plus 0 to .002" Headspace - GREAT!)

A) I'd like that kind of info for the Bat DS - What Headspace have any of you measured on a BAT DS?

The BAT DS comes with two reversible Trigger Hangers; one marked 0 & 30, and one marked 10 & 20. By swapping ends you can mount the trigger in four different positions.

B)What is Standard? or What have you found works best for a Jewell BR Trigger?

MANY THANKS for any HELP!!!!!:)
Call BAT during their phone hours later today and ask what the dimension is nominally. If you can work within the variation of a Panda, you can easily do it on a bat.

As for the trigger hangers, try different ones and get the feel and firing pin motin you like best, and go with that. The manufacturing tolerances and geometry of triggers is too spread out for them to offer just one hanger anymore. There is no "standard". I would begin with the trigger back as far as you can get it and go with that one but that's just me.
4MESH - THANKS for your response!
I've tried calling BAT during their Business Hours a half dozen times. I get busysignal, message to call during business hours, or the phone is answered by a fax machine! I've left two messages for them to call me back All to no avail!

I was hoping someone that had chambered numerous BAT's might be able to answer my questions.
Their phone hours are only in the afternoon and they are not eastern time. They're either mountain or pacific, so if you're on the east coast, you need to call in the evening.

As for the messages, about the only way I'd buy that they did not call back is if they could not understand you as you said your phone number. I get that all the time at work too. Invariably the person then calls and complains that I didn't call back.
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My tenon length is 1.060. The headspace is 1.073-1.075. Headspace is flush with the bottom of the tenon on a Panda, but headspace is .013-.015 longer than the tenon on your DS receiver.
On the four Bats I have, they range between 1.073 and 1.075 for headspace. Only one is a DS, it measures 1.075" exactly. The other 3 are 3 lugs, one is .073 and the other two are .074. Cone length varies a bit more on my Bats than does the headspace, but not much.
My tenon length is 1.060. The headspace is 1.073-1.075. Headspace is flush with the bottom of the tenon on a Panda, but headspace is .013-.015 longer than the tenon on your DS receiver.

Bat's also have 25 degree coned bolts and is why the end of the headspace gage will protrude longer than the tenon on the barrel.