I ordered two additional cases of UM22 Ultra Match Thursday as my match members are wanting some more. The invoice that came as a result of the order listed the ammo as UM22A not the advertised UM22. I asked Bud's Gun Shop about the difference, if any, between UM22 and UM22A and got the following response:
"A customer support staff member has replied to your support request, #440778 with the following response:
Thanks for contacting BudsGunShop.com,
We verified with Federal that it is the correct ammo. Apparently they had a printing issue on their end and some are labeled UM22, some UM22A and some labeled 922A, but they assured us they are all the same ammo. If you have more questions, please call us at 859-368-0371 from 9AM-9PM EST, Monday through Friday, or contact Federal at 800-379-1732.
HOWEVER, on the Federal website Federal 922A is NOT Utra Match, but rather is identified as Match (one level below Untra Match).