Fairchance Bathroom Renovation Update
I have not inspected the bathrooms at Fairchance yet, as their bathroom renovations have not yet been completed. I spoke to Bill Reahard, the Match Director at Fairchance yesterday for an update. Bill said the renovations to both the Men's and Women's bathrooms were progressing, but not completed yet.
I asked Bill to provide me with a completion date ASAP, whereby I have been directed by Gene Bukys to go Fairchance and inspect the bathroom renovations/general repairs to ensure they are completed no later than Jan. 31st so we may move forward in approving Fairchance to host this year's NBRSA Group Nationals.
I understand everyone's need to make their respective Nationals vacation date plans and Hotel reservations ASAP (me included).
As such, I will post my Fairchance bathroom inspection findings on this forum, as soon as Fairchance provides me with an inspection date before month end.
Thanks for everyone's continued patience while we try and get this Fairchance bathroom renovation issue resolved...
Please feel free to call me with any questions.
Jack Neary
NBRSA Eastern Region, Director
Cell: 336-542-8711