Quality Gunsmith in the Houston, Texas Area


I am looking for a professional precision gunsmith in the general Houston, Texas area. Within a half days drive or so. Proven track record of quality work. I'm loathe to ship anymore, while insurance covers losses and damage, it doesn't cover my time.

Recommendations appreciated.
Thanks for the replies guys.

The plan is to rebuild a VS-SF for 300 yard reduced target F/TR, no turn neck using Lapua brass, throated for 40 gr bullets in a variation of an old .222 benchrest load. This has worked quite well in the past.

The way the rifle is now, having received a disappointing re-barreling job, I don't shoot it. I also don't want to use one of my 600-1000 yard rifles for short range so....
I have been shipping rifles all over the USA for years. I pick the person I like and not his location. No problems in over 30yrs. I personally will not use UPS.
Pete Pieper ,Precision Barrelwork, in Hempstead if you need to put it in his hand. Known Pete for over 20yrs.