Pulling bullets


New member
Ok next problem. When I load up test loads . If I load 10 and fire a few and they're no good.Why waste a bullet and powder combo ? So back on my bench I put live round in shell holder run it up past the top and grip the bullet with a pair of wire cutters and pull the bullet. Well the wire cutter jaws leave a horizontal gash. So I loaded those gashed bullets and I think that gas destroyed the bullet because they're POI was a couple inches out side of a 1/4MOA group. Plus these bullets are Berger VLDs ( 95gr 6MM) Am I right?

I have done the same as you , and destroyed several bullets along the way . I receintly got the RCBS collet puller and could not be happier with it . Most of the time does not even leave a mark , and it is faster than using the cutters . Same set up , live round in the shell holder , raise it up to the collet , tighten the collet down . then back the ram down , bullet pulled . It has a different diamater collet for different size bullets.Whish I had done it years ago .
CH make a good collet puller also for 7/8 x 14 press.
I have used the RCBS and Herter plus a couple of others. They all work.
But for 10 bullets or less I now use the Midway puller that is less in cost than the Hornady. Works the same way.

Frankford Arsenal Impact Bullet Puller
Product #: 215517
Status: Out of Stock, Backorder OK
Our Price: $13.79
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I am thinking you asked this same or nearly the same questions a couple of years ago. Right or am I thinking of another "Worker"?

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"pulling bullets"

I also prefer the Frankford Arsenal impact bullet puller: no damage to the bullet jacket: ever. The collet types frequently "ring" the bullet ogive, in my experience.
Guilty as charged

Yes I did post this a while back. I ordered the Hornady cam puller. Dang is that going to ruin the bullets? Just like my wire cutters did?
Yes I did post this a while back. I ordered the Hornady cam puller. Dang is that going to ruin the bullets? Just like my wire cutters did?

I use a RCBS collet puller and have never damaged a bullet with it, I would expect the Hornady to do the same.

With a collet puller you have to go steady and not tighten it down too much.
Just play with it and tighten it a bit at a time untill it pulls the first bullet , then you have a good idea of how much to tighten each time.
If the bullets are really crimped in or have heavy neck tension then some collet marks can happen.
+1 on the impact "pullers".

I had one crack and die very quickly, sent it back to Midway and they replaced it without question. These "pullers" do not mark the bullets, and I have not noticed any difference in performance with bullets that I have removed from a case and then reloaded.


Yes I did post this a while back. I ordered the Hornady cam puller. Dang is that going to ruin the bullets? Just like my wire cutters did?

No you will not likely ruin your bullets.
Don't worry about being guilty as charged. You were not "charged" with anything at all. I just thought I remembered your name.

All well,
Well I'm still

No you will not likely ruin your bullets.
Don't worry about being guilty as charged. You were not "charged" with anything at all. I just thought I remembered your name.

All well,

Well I'm still coming out with my hands up !
You also may have another problem.....

I have had several different types of the "hammer" bullet pullers, they ruin spitzer bullets. If the case has a real good grip on the bullet, it may shatter the head on the part of the hammer that contacts the solid surface. All of the hammer type of pullers end up breaking over time.

I had a forester, Rcbs, collet puller and the Hornady Cam Loc is the best there is. There is a little learning curve associated to using the puller to where you are not Over squeezing the cam on the bullet.

Now for the other problem that you may have....work hardened brass. As your brass gets work hardened, the bullet gets a super grip on the bullet making it almost impossible to pull with any type of bullet puller. When you have fired the brass 5 times, it may be time for you to anneal. Some brass gets work hardened in 3 firings...depends on the alloy that the manufacturer has been supplied with on that lot# of brass. On one occasion, I annealed brand new Winchester brass.
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